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#661641 Restoration of the standard logos!
Thank you so much 🙂
#647532 Restoration of the standard logos!
NK Omladinac Gornja Vrba [ID: didnt found sadly]
#539411 Restoration of the standard logos!
Thats enough (except the fonts are different tho), many thanks
May I ask where did you get these logos?
#539220 Restoration of the standard logos!
And please with a size of 500x500 minimum
#538281 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
All fine
Thanks so much
#535453 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Logo 1: You could minimize the eagle a bit (and put the "Њ" at the same height of the other letters)
Logo 2 and 3: Are good, no changes needed
Logo 4: If possible, put the font color as black and the text should be bold
Logo 5: I made a mistake, sorry. I put a wrong image. There is the right image: Link
And can you make one with these letters I gave, and one with the letter C?
Logo 6: It should be look like this and font color shall be like the blue that is used in this logo. (And the wolf head could look like this but not really required. Do it if you want to do it or if possible)
And again, sorry for my mistakes :/
#535256 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
First one is alright
Second one too but other font (Arial Bold not Black sorry)
Third one: Could you put the S in the foreground? (Should look like this)
And can you create three more please?
Logo 4: This Shape with a black border
Divided in 5 stripes, main color: #191970 secondary color: white
Symbol in the middle: Christmas tree (without any decoration)
Symbol color: #2E8B57
Text top: FK BIEŠA
Text bottom: 1998
Font: Bebas Neue
Logo 5:
Shape: Rounded badge with a thick black border
Symbol in the middle: the letters N and P should look like this
No inner ring please
Main color white
Text bottom: 2003
Font: Arial Black
Logo 6:
Shape: Rounded badge with a border
Symbol in the middle: wolf head (not as silhouette)
Inner circle should be divided in seven diagonal stripes (color 1:#00008B color 2: white)
Border color: #d40000
Text top: FK ARVSLAN
Text bottom: 2003
Font: Open Sans
Thanks in advance and for your effort
#534812 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Can you do these logos too?
Logo 1:
Symbol in the middle: Serbian Eagle
Text bottom: 2011
Font: Arial Black
Colors: From this flag
Striped inner badge
Logo 2:
Shape without crown
Colors: Mintgreen and White
Symbol in the middle: Fortress
Text top: FK Brezovik
Text bottom: 2002
Font: Arial Bold
Without the gold border
Logo 3:
Like logo 2 only these things different:
Symbol in the middle: The letters V and S "overlapsed"
Colors: Red and yellow
With the gold border
Text bottom: 2007
Thanks in advance
Edit: Fixed image 2 because fck GGL!!
#532334 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Crest 1:
Letters/Text: RP
Primary color: #2000b1
Secondary color: White
Form: It should look like this
Crest 2:
Text: Vaker Ristén
Primary color: #280137
Secondary color: white
Form: Rounded
Symbol in the middle: Oak leak and a football
Thanks in advance
#531428 Restoration of the standard logos!
I mean I can understand him. I understand that insulting is not the right way and he did wrong, but why does nobody help him? What are the reasons?