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#682627 FM22 Increase Realism Megapack
To be fair, I was fairly certain this wouldnt be necessariy, because why would something basic like languages suddenly be bugged. I had never encounterted anything like this before and I know this mod tinkers with languages, so easy to think its because of it. I wasnt complaining about it, just reporting it. Happy to hear though that its not because of the mod. 😉
#682445 FM22 Increase Realism Megapack
Oh, thanks. I wasnt aware of that! My bad, Dave.
#682390 FM22 Increase Realism Megapack
I just realised, that something is effed up about the languages. I get youth players that are from england, born in england, no second nationality and yet they only have basic english skills. Also I have english players, born in england, with second languages (french and punjabi e.g.) without second nationalities. Dont know if you were already aware of this, but I thought I'd report you that information.
I'm using the march update btw.
#681617 FM22 Increase Realism Megapack
Just out of curiosity, have you heard anyone “complain” about way more injuries or am I just cursed right now. I started a savegame right after the march update appeared and in the february update you hadnt yet worked on the injury-file, iirc. I'm dealing for the second season in a row with the biggest ammount of injuries I've had in years in FM haha
Now, dont get me wrong I enjoy the challenge quite a bit, but atm I have everyone only train on half intensity only if they are absolutely 100 % match-fit haha everyone else gets a day off to refresh. To be fair, last season i was in Leage 1 (the schedule especially in season 1 is brutal) and the second part of season 2 is due to the world cup brutal in the championship as well.
I just wanna make sure i didnt miss anything haha
Other than that, I'm not really posting here often so I wanna take the chance to thank you for your amazing mod. I love it. In fact I have not played one savegame in FM22 without it. Thank you for your hard work, mate.