kelabb - Comments

#367624 Keep loosing to 4141
15 years ago
8 years ago
Rather than look at the formation your opponent uses, have you tried to work out the roles being used against you? A 4-1-4-1 could use a F9 or a Treq who could be pulling your defenders out of position, therefore perhaps scaling back their closing down could help maintain your shape. That's just an example, but if you watch closely during a game, preferably in 2D, you will have the opportunity to see what is happening so you can work out how to counter it.
#367623 Tactical refinement
15 years ago
8 years ago
I can't see what has already been suggested but I'll put my 2cents worth in... Your AP and IF may be getting in each other's way, both looking to exploit the same space. I'd look at moving the AP to the left CM position. As you have an IF, I'd also look at having that side wingback in an attacking role to provide width you'll lack with the IF going inside. If your new right side CM is given a more defensive role, perhaps a MC/d or at most MC/s to cover thewingback bombing forward you should be able to maintain defensive cover on that side. I see you considered a BTB instead of the BWM... in my mind a MC/s or MC/d works better with a DM. With so many players in your midfield, it seems a shame to play direct; try setting the passing to mixed and turn off Run At Defence and Work Ball Into Box. While Run At Defence is considered a "counter" TI, your players will look at passing options more favourably if they aren't being instructed to take the opposition on at every opportunity. Less is better when if comes to TIs; they can be added when needed. The other aspect to look at is your width, set to Fairly Wide you give the opposition room between your vertical lines. I'd set it to normal and if you are the stronger team, consider going wider, or even tighter if you find yourself being dominated.Best of luck.