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#298528 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
I have never had a go at making kits before, but I thought I would give it a try and see how I get on, as I'm going through in order the Hong Kong Professional Football League is the first one I will be working on. As it's taken me a good couple of hours to find images of this Seasons kit for Biu Chun Rangers (which I hope is this seasons kit anyway), I was wondering whether anybody knew of a good place that you could look on to find the kits for leagues that aren't as popular? Also in regards to the team sponsors, where is the best location to try and find those?
Thanks in advance
#298250 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
I am currently going through all the playable leagues in FM, to see what teams, do and don't have logos for them, so that I can either request them, or try and have a go at making them myself. I am currently looking at Indonesia, and so far every logo is showing up for me apart from Premier Division side Perssu Sumenep. I have had a few where I have had to compare the ID from 2015, so I could update it accordingly for 2016, but I can't seem to find Perssu anywhere in 2015, so does anybody know what their unique ID was in 2015? so that I can update the logo accordingly?
Thanks in advance
#297463 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
I have just downloaded every kit collection on here for 2016, I know I won't ever use most of them but I thought why not
Thanks in advance
#297047 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Just so that I am not missing anything, am I correct in thinking that all I needed to download was the FM 2016 v1 (full pack), and version 2016.01 changes? Am I right in assume that downloading just these two also includes all of the pictures from previous version? I.e including everything that was released up to 2015.10? Or do I also need to download all of 2015, and update accordingly?
Thanks in advance