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#764922 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Removing #'s from City, Clubs and Stadium names file should help, check the 1st post in the thread.
Curious about Japan thing as well since SI made some changes there.
#716630 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
#716598 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Misclicked on thanks, that's one i would like to get back. Anyways, don't be ungrateful, be patient.
#714059 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
I'm glad I raised the issue in their bug tracker then. Thank you mate
#714048 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Hey mons, I have a weird situation in my game, dunno if it's related to this file - prolly not - but I want to make sure.
I got a son in my save, and he has a 55 year old brother who happens to be an unemployed Belgian assistant manager called Frank Dauwen.
His name also shows up when someone gets a red card in my matches, as a popup, and the same thing shows up to my mate as well, and he also downloaded your file.
I guess he's glitched in SI's database or something like that, but I got no response from them to date.
Could he be related to the editor data we're using or something?
#710822 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
This really is as essential as graphics in game, and Mons keeps delivering year after year. Thank you for that, you absolute boss.