Subscribe to this thread (by following these steps) so you get notifications whenever a new version is released.


If you are playing an FM23 save in FM24, then this fix needs to be also installed in the below folders:


If you have any issues, first read the FAQ.


This file will need to be re-applied if/when official patches/updates are released to ensure full compatibility. This is due to the fact that some files which are removed when installing this file are automatically re-installed by Steam when official patches come out.

Some of these changes, ESPECIALLY THE CLUB NAMES, do NOT apply in existing save-games. There's a workaround for that in the first post.


The sortitoutsi real names fix changes the instances of fake names in Football Manager 2024 to the proper, real life names for awards, cities, stadiums and competitions, in cases where the actual name is not licensed, such as  Premier League displaying instead of Premier Division. It will also fix the fact that the German National team doesn't call up real players. These fixes are all fully save-game compatible.

The following are not included in the beta version of this file. There is also a club name changes file, which changes the names of clubs in a way which ensures that any nicknames entered in the default database are retained. This file includes the proper names for Brazilian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian (including Napoli) and French clubs, as well as Manchester Utd, to circumvent licensing restrictions. It also adds real-life media and journalists, encompassing most major footballing nations and continents. Brazilian clubs' text colours are also changed through an editor data file. Another editor data file creates the Ajax non-playing staff missing from the database due to licensing restrictions. Finally, it includes a small file which corrects the 3-Letter competition names to correspond with any changes made in the lnc files. For all the files in this paragraph to work, however, you will need to start a new game.


Follow the below instructions to install this version of this file



If you are playing an FM23 save in FM24, then this fix needs to be also installed in the folders in the below image IN ADDITION TO THOSE INDICATED BELOW the image:


Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2400

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2430

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Notes: \Program Files (x86)\ could be \Program Files\ depending on your set up.


Equivalent folders for PC players on Gamepass

PC players on Gamepass


I am led to understand that mods are enabled by default this year, so nothing needs to be done other than the below



Xboxgames\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2400

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



Xboxgames\Football Manager 2024\data\database\db\2430

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Equivalent folders for PC players on Epic Games

Epic Games Installation


Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2024\data\database\db\2400

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\FootballManager2024\data\database\db\2440

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Notes: \Program Files (x86)\ could be \Program Files\ depending on your set up.


Equivalent folders for Mac users

Mac installation



/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Steam / steamapps / common / Football Manager 2024 / data / database / db / 2400 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Steam / steamapps / common / Football Manager 2024 / data / database / db / 2440 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


The easiest way to get to these folders is by going to Finder > Go > Go to Folder and copy and paste these exact paths and you will be taken to the right places  ~/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2024/data/database/db/2400/


Alternatively you can get to the Library folder by simply selecting Go from the top bar and holding "alt" key - The Library folder suddenly appears on the drop down menu


For Mac Lion users, the Library folder will be hidden. Use this link to find out how to show it.


For those struggling to find the Steam and Steam Apps folder etc using Mac with the new OS High Sierra, this link below shows how you can unhide your Library folder which will then let you find the other folders.


Equivalent folders for Mac players on Epic Games

Epic Games Installation


MAC HD > Users> Shared > Epic Games > Football Manager 2024 > datadatabasedb2400

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


MAC HD > Users> Shared > Epic Games > Football Mnaager 2024 > datadatabasedb2440

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



The easiest way to get to these folders is by going to Finder, scroll up to Locations and navigate to this section.



Equivalent folders for Xbox players on Gamepass

Xbox on Gamepass installation



navigate to drive it was installed in (C: or D🙂

Xboxgames>Football manager 2024>content>data>database>db>2400



navigate to drive it was installed in (C: or D🙂

Xboxgames>Football manager 2024>content>data>database>db>2430


DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


If you can't find where your Xboxgames folder is, you can find it by clicking on “More actions” button (three dots that appears when you move your mouse cursor over Football Manager 2024 on Xbox app), then “Manage” → “Files” tab → “Browse…” button.


Equivalent folders for FM TOUCH 24 on Mac users

FM TOUCH 24 Mac Os installation



/ Applications / / Contents / Resources / data / database / db / 2400

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



/ Applications / / Contents / Resources / data / database / db / 2430

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


Equivalent folders for Steam Deck users

Steam Deck installation


if game is store on external micro SD card


devices / rootfs / run / media / mmcblk0p1 / steamapps / common / Football Manager 2024 / data / database / db / 2400 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



devices / rootfs / run / media / mmcblk0p1 / steamapps / common / Football Manager 2024 / data / database / db / 2430 

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


if game is stored on internal storage


devices / home / deck / .local / share / Steam / steamapps / compatdata / 2252570 / pfx / drive_c / users / steamuser / My Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2024 / editor data

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders



devices / home / deck / .local / share / Steam / steamapps / compatdata / 2252570 / pfx / drive_c / users / steamuser / My Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2024 / editor data

DELETE only the dbc , edt and lnc folders


COPY the dbc, edt and lnc folders from the downloaded pack 

STEP 3: 
PASTE them into each of your respective folders mentioned in step 1.


These are what the respective folder structures should look like in the 2430 folder:










COPY the 9 files located in the EDITOR DATA FILES folder in the downloaded pack


PASTE to \Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\editor data


This is also the same folder to be used for Gamepass.


Equivalent folder for Mac

Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive

By default this folder is hidden, so to access you need to do as follows:

Open Finder
Click ‘Go’ from the menubar
Press and hold down the ‘Option’ (Alt) key
This will bring up the ‘Library’, click to enter then go to ‘Application Support’ -> ‘Sports Interactive’ -> ‘Football Manager 2024’


Equivalent folder for Steam Deck

devices / home / deck / .local / share / Steam / steamapps / compatdata / 1904540 / pfx / drive_c / users / steamuser / My Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2024 / editor data


Equivalent folder for Epic Games

/Users / [your user] / Library / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2024 / editor data


This should be what your editor data folder looks like now. There may initially be a config.xml file in this folder and it can be safely overwritten; it is generated by FM every time the game starts.



To make sure the files have been applied correctly, go to English Premier Division in your saved game, and it should be renamed to Premier League. If you are in the middle of a save-game when you install this download, German national teams will be populated in the next instance that players are called up, and not immediately. 

Club names are only changed if you apply the editor data files before starting a new game. For a workaround if you've already started a new save-game, then please read the opening post of this thread.


The final version of this download for the default database can be downloaded from here.

6 years ago
1 year ago

Thanks for the amazing work you do!


I followed the instructions to the letter, but it didn't work as expected. The league names were fixed and Brazilian teams have their correct names, but Man Utd, Napoli, and Monza still have their fake names.


Also, I remember in previous years when I started a new career the database selected wasn't the default one, which prevented me from using quick start (which is fine since I usually make several changes anyway). This time, however, the only DB available looked like the default.


I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but have no idea what it is.



6 years ago
1 year ago
By Dassime 27 November 2023 - 14:08 PM UTC 

Thanks for the amazing work you do!


I followed the instructions to the letter, but it didn't work as expected. The league names were fixed and Brazilian teams have their correct names, but Man Utd, Napoli, and Monza still have their fake names.


Also, I remember in previous years when I started a new career the database selected wasn't the default one, which prevented me from using quick start (which is fine since I usually make several changes anyway). This time, however, the only DB available looked like the default.


I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but have no idea what it is.


Just figured it out. Turns out that when you purchase it from the Epic Games store on Mac, for some reason there are two folders called editor data. For future reference, the right one is this:


/Users/[your user]/Library/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data

18 years ago
10 hours ago
By parashar91 24 November 2023 - 13:37 PM UTC 
I'm 100% sure I've followed all the instructions and yet the Germany squad has 46 players all the time, 23 real players that I call up + 23 fake players. And this is an FM23 save that I'm continuing on 24. I've read the FAQ carefully too. Any solutions?


Can I see screenshots of the lnc folders in the 2300, 2330 and 2340 folders?



By Dassime 27 November 2023 - 16:32 PM UTC 

Just figured it out. Turns out that when you purchase it from the Epic Games store on Mac, for some reason there are two folders called editor data. For future reference, the right one is this:


/Users/[your user]/Library/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data


Thanks for this - added to the main post 🍻

12 years ago
7 months ago

Any chance of getting an alternative without corporate sponsor names as well?

9 years ago
7 months ago

Hello, can you give a very short explanation of the role DBC, EDT, and LNC files play in making this all work? I have edited a custom db like the Superleague but am running into many, many issues with the game and editor crashing during Validation. I narrowed it down to something about having this fix unpacked before I began editing. For example I can have a validated db (.fmf) and when I change Man UFC to Manchester United in my own file and then save > validate I am getting crashes. Not just specific to  MUFC though so just wondering if I am missing an important piece with the DBC, EDT, and LNC files

18 years ago
10 hours ago
By X Y 27 November 2023 - 20:23 PM UTC 

Any chance of getting an alternative without corporate sponsor names as well?


Erm, you're asking me to change a large part of this file, which I don't have the time to. You can edit the lnc files to your heart's content by opening them with Notepad and deleting the bits you don't like 👍



By PPTree 27 November 2023 - 20:58 PM UTC 

Hello, can you give a very short explanation of the role DBC, EDT, and LNC files play in making this all work? I have edited a custom db like the Superleague but am running into many, many issues with the game and editor crashing during Validation. I narrowed it down to something about having this fix unpacked before I began editing. For example I can have a validated db (.fmf) and when I change Man UFC to Manchester United in my own file and then save > validate I am getting crashes. Not just specific to  MUFC though so just wondering if I am missing an important piece with the DBC, EDT, and LNC files


Seems like an editor issue tbh.


The dbc, edt and lnc folders are folders included by SI in the game, whose contents I tweak for the purposes of this fix.


dbc files are database compressed files, added on top of the existing database which can be found in the database folder a couple of folders further back in the path. Some of them are licensing-related files, which I remove, and others are used by SI to make edits to the existing database (e.g. a major manager gets sacked) without necessitating a full database release.


An explanation on edt and lnc files can be found here. It might be 14 years old and some of it might no longer apply, but the majority of it still counts.

16 years ago
6 hours ago

@mons  Am I wrong or is the board of many Dutch clubs (not just Ajax) completely absent? 😥


Only Managing Directors ? 
Not Chairperson, director.. and random values.. 

Why is the Dutch database so bad? 


6 years ago
19 hours ago

Marijn Beuker joining Ajax as DoF from Dec 1. Would be cool to add this with the new way SI does transfers so it's also enabled that it happens on Dec 1 when you select the Real World DB.

16 years ago
1 week ago

When I look to follow the instructions (I am on a Mac) it is telling me to go to a data folder that does not seem to exist in the Football Manager 2024 folder.  Am I missing something?

18 years ago
1 day ago

# Wales

"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 2000200698 "Welsh Blood Service League Cup" ""
"COMP_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 2000200698 "WBS League Cup" ""




"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74010086 "Autocentre Gwent Premier Division" ""
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74010090 "Manderwood Pembrokeshire AFL Division One"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74010091 "David W Harris & Co Solicitors Swansea Senior League Division One"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74010831 "Cynghrair Cambrian Tyres Aberystwyth League Championship" ""
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74011066 "JT Hughes Montgomeryshire Amateur League"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74015329 "Autocentre Gwent Division One" ""
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74015436 "Manderwood Pembrokeshire AFL Division Two"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74039767 "David W Harris & Co Solicitors Swansea Senior League Division Two"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74040882 "The Highadmit Projects South Wales Alliance League Premier Division"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 74040883 "The Highadmit Projects South Wales Alliance League Division One"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 2000027271 "The Macron West Wales Premier League" ""
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 2000173410 "David W Harris & Co Solicitors Swansea Senior League Division Three"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 2000182806 "MMP Central Wales League North"
"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 2000182807 "MMP Central Wales League South"


These are the official competition names as per the Cymru Football app. This has the match data from all levels of the Welsh league system. It is a free app available for iOS (App Store link) and Android (Play Store link). 


#for future addition

#"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" xxx "Candour Talent Gwent Central League Division One"
#"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" xxx "Monmouthshire Building Society Newport & District League"
#"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" xxx "Monmouthshire Windows East Gwent League"
#"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" xxx "RTM Brickwork Merthyr Tydfil AFL League"
#"COMP_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" xxx "SwanEMS North Gwent Football League Premier Division"

6 years ago
19 hours ago

New update for FM24 today! Don't forget to reapply the patch in case there is no update

14 years ago
2 days ago

#"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 136279 "Zlín B" ""
#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 136279 "FC Zlín B" ""
#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 136237 "FC SILON Táborsko" ""
#"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 136237 "Táborsko" ""
#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 136230 "FC Táborsko akademie" ""
#"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 136230 "Táborsko akademie" ""
#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 116156 "FK Příbram" ""
#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 136228 "FK Příbram B" ""
#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 136242 "FK Robstav" ""

#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 5640798 "FC Písek fotbal" ""

#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 5650154 "FK Loko Vltavín" ""
#"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 5650154 "Vltavín" ""

#"CLUB_LONG_NAME_CHANGE" 5652959 "FK Baník Sokolov 1948" ""
#"CLUB_SHORT_NAME_CHANGE" 5652959 "Baník Sokolov" ""


Pls clear some double teams in Czech Republic, Thx

Zois Moschonas
12 years ago
1 day ago
By wfm18 30 November 2023 - 15:21 PM UTC 

New update for FM24 today! Don't forget to reapply the patch in case there is no update

Do we have to download again this patch now we the new update?



Grant MacDonald
12 years ago
3 months ago
By Zois Moschonas 30 November 2023 - 15:50 PM UTC 

Do we have to download again this patch now we the new update?


I think you have to reapply the patch.

9 years ago
2 weeks ago

Will be there new version of Real name fix 1.2 for today s new update?

16 years ago
1 month ago

You only need to reapply the 1.1 - if there is a new one, simply install it

18 years ago
10 hours ago
By Bodo2105 30 November 2023 - 16:10 PM UTC 

Will be there new version of Real name fix 1.2 for today s new update?


Yes, just bear with me till I get home and do my thing.

12 years ago
11 months ago

just be patient! 

18 years ago
3 months ago

 there does not appear to be a new DB folder this patch its still 2400

18 years ago
10 hours ago

v2.0 is out!


Mostly cosmetic changes, most of which will be save-game compatible, with the exception of the Brazilian kit colour changes file, which has been overhauled by @Jamaicaman90 to reflect the most recent kits 👏

Grant MacDonald
12 years ago
3 months ago

Mons, thank you for your work and effort. I apologise if this has been asked and answered, but if I've begun a save and simply wish to update the file, can I do so and leave the editor files as they are? My understanding is that the editor data files require a new save to work properly; if I replace those files, will i expereince issues in my current save?

14 years ago
2 days ago
By mons 30 November 2023 - 18:29 PM UTC 

v2.0 is out!


Mostly cosmetic changes, most of which will be save-game compatible, with the exception of the Brazilian kit colour changes file, which has been overhauled by @Jamaicaman90 to reflect the most recent kits 👏


Great work, Thx. 👍👍👏

18 years ago
10 hours ago
By Grant MacDonald 30 November 2023 - 18:58 PM UTC 

Mons, I apologise if this has been asked and answered, but if I've begun a save and simply wish to update the file, can I do so and leave the editor files as they are? My understanding is that the editor data files require a new save to work properly.


You can, but there's no harm in replacing editor data files anyway, just in case you want to start a new game and forget to reinstall this fix.


Once a save game is started, the contents of the editor data folder are immaterial.

Grant MacDonald
12 years ago
3 months ago
By mons 30 November 2023 - 19:04 PM UTC 

You can, but there's no harm in replacing editor data files anyway, just in case you want to start a new game and forget to reinstall this fix.


Once a save game is started, the contents of the editor data folder are immaterial.


Thank you, Mons. Appreciate it.

1 year ago
2 months ago

Is there any changelog for 2.0?

11 years ago
5 days ago

Hi @mons , thank you for this update. I just want to ask does this update change any attributes of players ? Because I noticed that several players had different attributes since the last update (version 1.1) when I start a new save. My guess it has something to do with the official patch from SI but just want to be sure. Keep up the good work !

Ali Sheikh
10 years ago
19 hours ago

please reveal what is the latest addition for this update fix, 2.0 please.

16 years ago
1 week ago

I see that japan.dbc and japan_loans.dbc are the new files in dbc folder, but they're not in you update.

Should we leave them, or is it ok to delete them?

4 years ago
1 month ago

I reinstalled the patch after the update and if I start a new save it's correct, BUT my pre-existing saves don't have the fix anymore… please help!

4 years ago
1 month ago
By jekfiore 30 November 2023 - 21:46 PM UTC 

I reinstalled the patch after the update and if I start a new save it's correct, BUT my pre-existing saves don't have the fix anymore… please help!


Removing #'s from City, Clubs and Stadium names file should help, check the 1st post in the thread. 


Curious about Japan thing as well since SI made some changes there. 


  • [Japan] Updates to match rules and squad registration
  • [J.League 1-3] Kits, logos and player faces update




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