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#621568 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
4 years ago
7 months ago
By John Nicolette 08 February 2021 - 21:10 PM UTC 

Yes this did work for me then I found out harshly that the regens other than the few I changed were all black boxes. This should work on FM19 (my version) and I assume FM20. I may resort to this when I go crazy trying to rename individually 72 PAs and 72 press officials. Also thanks for your clarification on the excel trick. I may set that up as another tab for the future. 


Yeah I had this issue too. I should have emphasised it more in my previous post, but to fix it simply delete all the other black boxes. So let's say you replaced 10 of the pictures with your own, delete the other 1490 black boxes and it should work.

#614108 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
4 years ago
7 months ago
For those who have a lot of iterations of the same image being used (I had 72 of each in my game)...

Once you've found the number for the image you're trying to change (not the UID), copy ALL the lines of the Regen UID finder config file (NB, just the lines relating to individual files, don't need all the extraneous xml stuff) and paste them into Excel (so you'll have a single column a few thousand entries long).

Then in the second column paste the following:


This should extract from the full string just the image number. Then you can turn the data into a table and easily filter by this value to get all iterations of that specific image being used in the game without having to trawl through.

Btw, to those who didn't understand how this was supposed to work:

1. Copy all the lines in the config. (e.g. <record from="1" to="graphics/pictures/person/1915386801/portrait"/> )
2. Paste in excel (cell A1).
3. Next to it (Cell B1), copy/paste the formula TopToffee provided. Duplicate this so it covers all the entries on the left.
4. Now, format it as a table.
5. Then use the filter function to organise (e.g. my number was '1' and the long number next to it is the thing I'm supposedand start copying onto pictures).
#614107 FM20 Hidden Regen UID Finder (Create your own Press Officer & Personal Assistant images!)
4 years ago
7 months ago
Hello! I found out how to do this the 'quick' way. There is a bit of a compromise, but it sure beats copying and pasting numbers onto images 72 different times.

First, follow the instructions above up until question four. Make note of the number that appears instead of your the regen face.

For example, my press officer had an image with '1396' while my personal assistant had '300'.

Go into the 'Regen UID Finder' in the graphics/faces folder and replace the images with your PO / PA number with whatever image you like. So for me, I replaced images '300' and '1396' with the face that I wanted.

After that, delete (or better yet, move them somewhere else) all images inside the folder aside from the edited ones. What was left of my folder was the .config file (which I did not touch), a ds_store file and the two custom images. If you don't delete the other images, all regens in game will be black boxes with a number in them. We don't want that, obviously.

...And that should work! Test it out by reloading the skin.


1. If you want to add another face onto another regen, here are the steps: copy all previous pictures (which is why I recommended to just move them somehwere else, and yeah - all 15,000 of them. My hardrive was sulking the whole way) back into the graphics/pictures folder to identify the faces you need (make sure you don't overwrite any existing faces). Go in game, reload skin, make a note of the face you want to edit, overwrite the image number with whatever picture, delete the other unedited images, and finally reload the skin.

It's a bit hard, but better than manual labour.

2. Your computer does most of the hard work. 😉

Finally, thanks @Rowan for this mod! If anyone needs me to clarify anything, ask.