sanka - Comments

#660842 Priisek Dark FM22 Skins inc. % Fitness ITS BACK!
15 years ago
3 months ago
By Priisek 13 November 2021 - 15:16 PM UTC 

Hi & many thanks.

So in match you can drag the boxes to the left so you have all 8 , then you can make the 8 into 6, 4 or 2. From within the box, if you get my meaning. Just try to drag them about. You can also swap the contents within each box to what you want.


Hope this helps. Please let me no how you get on.


Again thanks 




unfortunately i can. it seems like boxes are “locked” can't move them, i can just extend them so they cover the boxes above or below. the number is the same. i will try again, im playing in windowed mode, does that have anything to do with it ?

#660575 Priisek Dark FM22 Skins inc. % Fitness ITS BACK!
15 years ago
3 months ago

Hi Priisek. As always, thank you so much for your hard work, you skin is out of this world. Im having some issue, not necessarily due to your skin. When im in match, I have two rows of match information, sometimes duplicated. How can I eliminate one row ? hope you understand what Im saying



#613116 Fix the effing game already
15 years ago
3 months ago
I've been buying manager last 13-14 years at least, and it's still mindboggling that they refuse to fix some obvious AI problems.

Im playing with Napoli, and Koulibaly says that he wants to play more, I say sure, he departs to Cup of Nations, and in the middle of the competition he wants to talk with me, he's furious cause I didnt start him. How the f*ck could I start him, when's he's with Senegal squad playing african cup of nations ? this shit keeps happening every game, the NEVER fix it.

Second issue, also AI. Brought Mandzukic as backup, and a year after he tell's me he wants to leave cause he thinks he cannot play well on this level. I say sure, transfer list him, get a few offers from mexico, he accepts one from monterrey, and when i wanted to have a goodbye chat, told him : good luck with your career or sth, he's furious cause he wanted to stay here. wtf ?

this is just top of the iceberg, I love the game in general, but this keeps pissing me off every year.
#491556 VP's Arsenal Career - A New Direction
15 years ago
3 months ago
you deserve an award, getting Wilson to score 37 goals, fuck me
#430058 Southampton's Road to Success
15 years ago
3 months ago
mate, could you make your pictures larger ?
#412547 [FM18] We're Not Famous Anymore!
15 years ago
3 months ago
can you post pics from your top players? wanna know how rossi looks like after one good season. great job mate
#398507 Oh when the Saints go marching in...
15 years ago
3 months ago
could you post your starting 11 now mate, with the squad changes and all ?
#397571 Oh when the Saints go marching in...
15 years ago
3 months ago
really enjoying your story mate. how come you let go tadic so easily ?
#397570 The Celts Are Here
15 years ago
3 months ago
dembele is not in the starting 11 anymore?
#397568 Watford - European Journey
15 years ago
3 months ago
brilliant story, please continue
#357411 Return to Glory with AC Milan
15 years ago
3 months ago
what skin you using mate?
15 years ago
3 months ago
Hey guys...Since LOSC Lille has new owners with cash, I was wondering was that the story in FM 2017? Can someone playing BETA check it out for me please?

#344152 Ballon d'or system rigged
15 years ago
3 months ago
Hi, I'm sure most of you have noticed that no matter how well your team and your players do, Messi will almost ALWAYS win ballon d'or. If not him then Ronaldo, but rarely.

Example, in my first season with Juventus, I won Serie A, Champions League and Dybala was the best scorer in Serie A and in Champions league by far (he scored 16 goals in CL alone, in total 45 goals and 15 assists) ,and somehow Messi who was injured for 2 months and scored 18 goals and had 9 assists , won 0 trophies, won ballon d'or, Dybala was not even considered. This keeps happening every game I start in FM 2016, and as I can remember, it was a problem in previous editions of the game.

Is there an official explanation/recognition of this phenomenon as a bug or something?

#329514 Transfer offer for Fellaini, really!!!
15 years ago
3 months ago
PSG has the WORST AI in transfer policy. The garbage they collect over the years is remarkable. Every time I wanted to get rid of someone, there comes PSG like a happy begger
#329513 Players complaining about individual training...
15 years ago
3 months ago
start chucking those fookers into U21 squad. I have ZERO tolerance for bastards that threaten me
#329511 so proud of my team xD
15 years ago
3 months ago
holy shit. how did you manage to have that kind of a goal difference?
#306129 Regular playing bug?
15 years ago
3 months ago
Hey guys...To put it short, this game is stupid. And this keeps happening every year, SI guys still didn't fix it. I'm in my second season with Sporting CP. Gelson Martins was a rotation player due to Andre Carillo, and since Carillo was leaving on free transfer to Bayern, he was going to become a starter. At the end of the season, the very end, Gelson approached me and wanted a chance in the first team. I sad he'll get his chance, but the season was over, so naturally, next season he was going to be a starter. He went to Euro 2016 with Portugal, then after that to Olympics (against my wishes, but I couldn't withdraw him, another idiotic "feature", lost 5 players due to that stupid tournament), he came back, and of course , he was fatigued. Gave him a little bit of rest, then he played 7 games in a row, 5 of those till the end. He approached me now, said he had enough of me breaking promises, and he wants to leave. Wtf? He couldn't play when he was away on international duty, but the game didn't register that, and when he could, he did. Similar thing happened when players who played regularly also moaned how they aren't playing when in fact, they are.

Does someone have similar experiences?
#303489 Need a club thread
15 years ago
3 months ago
Sporting CP in Portugal
#303254 Bruised head injury
15 years ago
3 months ago
nope...they're always out for 5-6 days
#303029 Bruised head injury
15 years ago
3 months ago
Hey guys. I'm in my 2nd season with Napoli and my players are getting their heads bruised too often. Higuain was out at least 4-5 times this season due to that injury, and every time he has to spend 5-6 days injured cause of this. In the last game Gabbiadinni was subbed cause of bruised head, Mertens came instead of him and a few minutes later he was injured also. What kind of injury? You guessed it... Bruised head.

Is there a reason why is a head bruising injury that often? Has someone else noticed this? Is there a way I could prevent it?

#301388 Press Conferences
15 years ago
3 months ago
storming out on random questions is the best
#301387 Press Conferences
15 years ago
3 months ago
storming out on random questions is the best
#271317 A Return To Management
15 years ago
3 months ago
wow, I've never seen someone do this in 3 seasons. Such huge jump in quality. Could you post your tactics and your startup lineup pls?
#270777 A Return To Management
15 years ago
3 months ago
brilliant story so far mate. keep it up
#270775 DC needed
15 years ago
3 months ago
Hey guys, just started to play with Lyon. Since Bisevac is going to be injured for the next few months, I have only 3 DC's, I have about 3,5 M € and I'm having trouble finding a good center back for that kind of money. Any suggestions?

#270255 Sleeping Giant
15 years ago
3 months ago
(@brunofilipe28) Good look on the saga, I'll follow

(@sanka) Ex fan? That sounds interesting'

well. the problem is , our league is pretty much corrupted. The chairman of Dinamo Zagreb Zdravko Mamic is the boss in croatia football. He's the vice president or a member of the board in croatian football federation (conflict of interests). Dinamo's affiliated club Lokomotiva plays in the same division as Dinamo. It's totally against the rules and numerous times they just let Dinamo win, they had like 3 goal lead and they still lost. Also, there have been several peculiar transactions between dinamo and lokomotiva. Dinamo bought one player and paid him twice ! The ref's that are assigned on the biggest derbies like against Hajduk or Rijeka are know for being friends and partying with Zdravko Mamic. Needles to say, the refing on those games was terrible and always on the side of Dinamo. Let's move on. Zdravko Mamic's brother is the manager of dinamo, Zdravko is know to come down to the dressing room and order which player need to play (the ones that have to sale for big bucks). His son, Mario Mamic is an sport's agents and he has had hand in all of Dinamo's major transfer. Mario Mandzukic, Dejan Lovren, Luka Modric, Mateo Kovacic, Eduardo... All of those players are in the agency of a guy, who's father is the chairman of the club... If that's not conflict of interest , I don't know what is. Lets move on... All of those major players , when they were playing for Dinamo, they signed a legal document which states that they will pay Zdravko Mamic 5% of their month salary for the rest of their careers. Imagine that. This is why Dinamo plays their games without any fans. The Bad Blue Boys (supporter of DInamo Zagreb) cant stand him and they will ignore the club as long as he's there. There are a few fans on Mamic's payroll so Dinamo "has fans" but they're mercenaries. Noone can stand those guys, they've been seen getting money in envelopes on Dinamo's games... Sickening.... And also, Zdravko Mamic has connections in the police so he can harass the real dinamo fans with raids, arrests and not letting them enter the stadiums on matchdays. Even though I said they ignore Dinamo, every now and then they come to the game to protest against Mamic family, but they get arrested and beaten up.
#270103 Sleeping Giant
15 years ago
3 months ago
As a Croatian and an ex-dinamo fan (it's really complicated, will explain if you want), I am really excited you started your game with croatian league Looking forward to see your progress. Good luck ! Keep a good eye on Andrija Balić and Vlašić.... They are future stars in the making IRL if the REAL Hajduk doesn't f*ck them up. Also Elvir Maloku.
#270099 Juan Fernando Quintero
15 years ago
3 months ago
I'm on the ropes on this one.... Brought him in my second season with Southampton... I'm playing him as advanced playmaker, one game he scores 2 goals and creates 2 more, and then he disappears for the next 2-3 games... That happened a lot in his first season, but looks like he finally got used to the premiership. He's creating more, scoring more, but I'm a little worried about his physical attributes. He seems injury prone and a little bit weak. what do you guys think?
#270096 15 Players With Good Buyout Clauses
15 years ago
3 months ago
you gonna continue with this mate?
#255176 Ridiculousness?
15 years ago
3 months ago
wanna talk about ridiculousness? i have my first season game with Southampton and I start Marquinhos. He played the entire game and then after the game he complained how he lacks first team football. Fuck logic. Thnx SI