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#747120 Help! FM21 folder from My Documents to External Hard drive
All sorted, thank you very much for that!
#747057 Help! FM21 folder from My Documents to External Hard drive
Ah sorry, I mean in the in-game preferences. The first attachment is the screenshot of where it keeps being reset to, and the second is where I set it to every time. The problem is that I have no internal storage left, and so I've transferred all graphics/skins etc files into my SSD (including the actual FM application itself.) However, the folder seen on the first screenshot just keeps remaking itself and setting itself as the default, and I can not get the graphics or anything in my SSD to load.
#747035 Help! FM21 folder from My Documents to External Hard drive
Oh it's FM23 for Mac via Steam!
#747032 Help! FM21 folder from My Documents to External Hard drive
I don't know if an answer to this was ever found, but even when following the steps in both this thread and the link in this answer, no matter what I do, FM always resets its default location for graphics, files etc. to the one in the Internal Library, rather than my External Drive. I have all files moved over to the External Drive, and keep deleting the Sports Interactive folder in the internal Library, but FM just keeps remaking that folder and making it the default. Is there anyway to solve this? Thanks!