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#705006 Khassoum Oualy
Pablo Degli Antoni
#685766 Sadibou Dia
Pablo Degli Antoni
Oh, ok. Roger. Sorry for that. I will cut shoulders included
#673943 Kaoussou Diouaré
Pablo Degli Antoni
Haha you can't find Senegal local Players images on Google searches but I use whatever help I can find. Thanks. =)
I'm AR for senegal and with DoBs search I find pictures (Sometimes) and save them in my PC. Now I know which are the ones I should be saving.
The good news is, I've got plenty of pictures in acceptable size, the bad news is, they are all players from the next Transfer patch and they are not in here.
#673785 Kaoussou Diouaré
Pablo Degli Antoni
Ok, Thanks. It's gonna be harder but I'll try to find better images =)
#673782 Kaoussou Diouaré
Pablo Degli Antoni
I would glad to help but first I need to know why this was rejected