cookamunga - Comments

#682138 Adboard Patch removed from site
4 years ago
2 years ago
By mons 15 March 2022 - 15:25 PM UTC 

You would do well to understand the meaning of the word “hypocritical”, and understand how wrong it is that you apply it to this site in this context. 


You would also do well to understand that there is little upside from our end to antagonising Sports Interactive. As stated here, it is they who specifically asked for this file to be deleted. We can't really get into the specifics; it's why I haven't really commented on this before. This is a small fan-site and all we want to do is help the FM community mod the game and share their experiences, but not at any and all cost. After all, if the site gets closed down, nobody gains, do they?


You are violating copyright on a daily basis on this site (it gets especially spicy when you charge people real money). If people wanted to shut this site down they would have done so a long time ago.


Let's take a step back and remind ourselves why Sports Interactive asked you to delete this mod. It's because they are selling monetized ads in Football Manager 2022, a game we already paid for. If you remove those ads, they lose impressions and therefore money. While Miles is a great guy, I'd like to point out that Sports Interactive Limited is owned by a giant corporation.


Just don't pretend like there's some greater picture that I'm not seeing, this issue isn't that complicated. A company wants money, 3rd party modification gets in the way of their bottom line, people who host said 3rd party mod get bullied. You see this thing happen all the time elsewhere but I didn't expect SI to stoop to this level.


P.S. Sorry for the slow reply, I was enjoying a few seasons with 1860 Munich with the real-life adboard patch which is still available on other sites. It was quite immersive!


P.PS. I stand by my statement that you are making the world worse if you support monetized ads in finished, single player products. Not sure why you bring up “current events”, obviously the world is f*** up and there are more important things than a Football Manager 2022 mod being removed from this site lmao. This forum is specifically about FM. Having said that, Slava Ukraini.

#681695 Adboard Patch removed from site
4 years ago
2 years ago
By mons 15 March 2022 - 07:53 AM UTC 

There are many, many files you can still download from this site, you know. It's just the adboard file which cannot be hosted on sortitoutsi.


Of course you're free not to renew your premium account, but it's important to be clear that this isn't something which should be laid at our feet. “Both parties” implies we had a say in the matter whereas it was very much a decision forced on the site.


I agree there's still a lot of convenience in using this site, but it feels super hypocritical of you guys to take down a mod just because SI is the one to tell you. What about all the kit mods that clearly infringe copyright, will you remove them as well?


Monetized ads in games that you already paid for is ridiculous and you are making the world worse.

#681650 Adboard Patch removed from site
4 years ago
2 years ago

No point in paying for my sortitoutsi account then. Short sighted decision by both parties.

#623868 FM21 Rensie Purple & Dark
4 years ago
2 years ago

I love this skin and made a small change, to make the “Continue” and other relevant buttons the default purple color as well:


Change this in the file Kojuro-v2.4.1 - Purple\settings\Kojuro-Purple-v2.4.0 settings.xml:


Change this line:

<colour name="fg accent" value="rgb(120,120,120)"/>


<colour name="fg accent" value="rgb(100,30,170)"/>

#623603 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Home Thread - 2025.03 OUT NOW [19/02/2025]
4 years ago
2 years ago
By Qvordrup 26 January 2021 - 19:28 PM UTC 

No not right now. We just made the switch so that stadium also shows as team background, because it was a feature that was being requested.


I'd love for a way to disable this as well. It looks quite bad to have it as a default background on higher resolutions. Doesn't fit with my theme either.


edit: Nevermind, there is literally a menu option that accomplishes this. "Allow display of custom background pictures"