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#631443 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
Sorry for the delay. I separated the folders and still doesn't work,however doesn't matter.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions!! 😉
#630582 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
Thank you so much! I did it with the pre-game editor! Unique little thing that doesn't work:
-Club's logo works fine, but icon is still Sampdoria one:
<record from="virtus" to="graphics/pictures/team/1167/logo"/> WORKS
<record from="virtus2" to="graphics/pictures/team/1167/icon"/> DOESN'T WORKS (Maybe is too large? There's some max width/height?) (See Screenshot)
Strange… For the rest, the 2D/3D KITS are successfully updated!!
PS: “Adboards?” what's that?
There's some guide how to insert all the stuff here? (tags+eventually dimensions). For example, I don't know how to add the 3 goalkeeper 3D Kits and Adboards!?
Thanks guys!
#630473 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
I will try to use the Pre game editor and let you know! 😉
#630464 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
Yeah..however it's unbelievable that is not possible to modify thecreate-a-club kits…
#630465 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
Yeah..however it's unbelievable that is not possible to modify thecreate-a-club kits…
#630453 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
I Know but on the store “Note: At the request of the publisher, Football Manager 2019 In-Game Editor is no longer available on Steam.” … So I don't know where to download it
#630433 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
Nope either 2DKits does n t work. Just for info: In the editor pre game, you can insert either the club logo from png,2dKits/3dKits ?
PS: I would have the editor, but can t find it anywhere..Seems they removed it…do you have a link??
#630410 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
Yes, I opened and closed the tags, I just posted the central part…For the second suggestion, I replaced Sampdoria with a fantasy club called Virtus Italia so I will try with virtus_italia_1 etc.. and let you know. However, Do you tried to replace kits in create-a-club ? Cause maybe is not possible to do it for the created club even if is really weird..
#630376 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
Thanks for reply. Yes of course,I replaced Sampdoria(ID:1167) in my config file in Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2019\graphics\3d kits:
<!-- resource manager options -->
<!-- dont preload anything in this folder -->
<boolean id="preload" value="false">
<!-- turn off auto mapping -->
<boolean id="amap" value="false">
<!-- logo mappings -->
<!-- the followings XML maps pictures inside -->
<list id="maps">
<record from="1" to="graphics/pictures/team/1167/kit_textures/home"/>
<record from="2" to="graphics/pictures/team/1167/kit_textures/away"/>
<record from="3" to="graphics/pictures/team/1167/kit_textures/third"/>
If I replace another squad in Create a club career (Ex:Juventus) and I play against Sampdoria, the customs kits works fine. But, if I replace Sampdoria, I ve the default kits. Of course I cleaned the cash etc..
#630349 Add Custom 3D KITS in CREATE-A-CLUB CAREER
Pier Otto
Hello Guys!
I ve created my Own 3DKits and I want to apply then in CREATE-A-CLUB career..I just tested on other team(Not my Fantasy Team) and works.
But if I try to apply in my Fantasy Team, I just got the default ugly kits/3d kits….I cannot understand why, seems is not possible to apply custom 3dkits on a custom team but just the the other original teams… Anyone have idea how to do this?
Thanks in advance!