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#630133 Stadium Edits - FM21 - V1.0 [29/08/2021] out now!
WT Florian
Thank you very much. It seems these models are made with “Silo” - but i will check that out and see for myself, maybe there is something i can do with this information.
Again, thank you, you were very helpful.
#630119 Stadium Edits - FM21 - V1.0 [29/08/2021] out now!
WT Florian
Well that's dissapointing, but, do you, by any chance, know where these files are stored ?
#630110 Stadium Edits - FM21 - V1.0 [29/08/2021] out now!
WT Florian
“we cannot change stadium models/textures, add or remove tiers from stands, add boxes/tv screens or have stands at different heights and/or lengths”
Why exactly is that ?
Do we know where the stadium files are stored ?
I'm talking editing or creating a stadium from scratch in a 3D program of your choice - this must be possible somehow, no ?