Dirk Müßener - Comments

#760477 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Dirk Müßener
2 years ago
1 month ago
By mons 11 November 2023 - 09:43 AM UTC 

Makes no difference, as long as it's within the graphics path. It's just a matter of personal preference on how you like your files to be organised.


thx for the info!

#760386 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Dirk Müßener
2 years ago
1 month ago

Hey guys,

I have a probably stupid question.

Your screenshot in the installation guide for the pack says, it goes into the folder …graphics/players.

In the tutorial videos it goes into ..graphics/faces. I have to admid, I'm a bit confused where to put the 2 folders I have downloaded. 

Thx for your help and kind regards