Delta VVVV - Comments

#788396 Are the newer versions better than what I have played thusfar?
Delta VVVV
2 years ago
2 weeks ago

Funny enough FM20 and FM24 are the only two I've played (my love for football comes and goes in waves) and I feel defensive tactics work a little better in FM24, although it's based off of my experience and I've got no data to back it up.


The thing with playing on the defence is that you usually employ it against better teams and it invites a lot of pressure from the opponent, because their goal isn't threatened so they can afford to throw more bodies at your defense. And when they have a pacemaker with decent dribbling it can feel punishing when they cut through your 5-man backline with the concentration of an ipad kid. 


That being said I do think my 5-4-1 park the bus, kill the game and piss off the fans in the stadium tactic has some effect: I find myself occassionally checking if I'm still on extended highlights because nothing's happening for 30 minutes.

#787855 Sas24 Skin lagging match engine
Delta VVVV
2 years ago
2 weeks ago

I love the Sas24 skin in the spreadsheet part of the game, but in the match engine it seems to cause stutters. Especially when watching a match that you're not involved in (I like to watch the Euro's and WC matches of my country 🙂) it becomes a stutterfest. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm guessing the overload of information on the little tablet thing. A graphic heavy skin like FLUT works just fine, but I dislike everything about it, except the match engine presentation.


So my question: Is there anyway I can somehow combine these skins: Sas24 for the spreadsheet part and FLUT for the match engine? Or is there a skin out there with a similar presentation as Sas24 but without the match engine stuff?


edit: oh yeah forgot to mention during a replay of a goal it's silky smooth, like the match engine is when I'm not running Sas24