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#697709 Dries Mertens
yusuf demirci
atmıyor, Mediafire linki vermiş adam, anasayfada ki patchi editor dataya atıp en son adamın burdan verdiğini atıp değişikliği onayla diceksin.
#697688 Dries Mertens
yusuf demirci
Anasayfadan indirdiğin patchi normal şekilde yükleyip burda adamın gönderdiğini en son editor dataya atıp değişikikleri onayla diceksin, hepsini seçip save i başlatıcaksın Mertens ve Torreira Galatasaray'da olacak. Şu an yaptım ve oldu.
#697676 Dries Mertens
yusuf demirci
Mertens appears Free in my save, i did the same with Torreira and Torreira is in Gala's squad but for Mertens it doesnt work. I downloaded the exact folder that u show in the screenshot with timelapse of 06 aug 21:50:45 but like i said he appears as free player. I tried to use only Mertens.xml folder in editor data without sortitoutsi data update patch Mertens appears in Gala but when i use it with the data update Mertens goes in free, it's working with Torreira because in ur data update it has a contract with Arsenal but Mertens is a free player so it goes in free whatever we do.
#697478 Dries Mertens
yusuf demirci
Can you guys enable it for god sake ? What kind of proof do you need ?
#697477 Lucas Torreira
yusuf demirci
Admin can you enable it for god sake.