hinbil - Comments

#298996 Hi everyone, i want like this screen in my game, is it possible? Please help..
15 years ago
2 months ago
#298756 FM 2016 FLUT skin - Dark Version v2.3
15 years ago
2 months ago
Thank you so much..
#298551 Hi everyone, i want like this screen in my game, is it possible? Please help..
15 years ago
2 months ago
Why the kits of both teams are no longeron the matchday screen like in old versions of fm? İs it possible for fm 16? I add attachment. Please help me
#298550 FM 2016 FLUT skin - Dark Version v2.3
15 years ago
2 months ago
Hi flut, i mean i want this screen is it possible thank you..
I add attachment please help me...
#297871 FM 2016 FLUT skin - Dark Version v2.3
15 years ago
2 months ago
Hi @chaodck I don’t know if I can help you as I can’t see your graphics structure…however the problem is not related to the fact you reported (separate folders).

Hi @Alex13 and @scottpratt
Thanks ;-)
In order to change the atribute background boxes colours you have to go to the settings folder and change the values in the following code

<colour name="unknown attribute background" red="210" green="210" blue="210"/>
<colour name="low attribute background" red="197" green="221" blue="242"/>
<colour name="normal attribute background" red="150" green="198" blue="242"/>
<colour name="good attribute background" red="161" green="193" blue="51"/>
<colour name="excellent attribute background" red="117" green="147" blue="13"/>

After that you have to exit game and reload it.

Hi @Wescar00: thanks ;-); I don’t know what happens but sometimes, when we change a xml and the code we changed is incorrect (for instance missing “” or there is a > or < in the wrong place) the game show that error. But really I don’t know what happens in your case. Try to read the text of that message in order to know what kind of error is…

Hi @hinbill: Thanks ;-) I don’t know if I understood your answer but if you are talking about the kits in match inbetween highlights, in fact I had no time (yet) to analyse if is possible to do that change and if it works….

#297792 please help me.. why the kits of both teams are no longer on the matchday screen like in past versions of FM? is it possible fm 2016? thanks...
15 years ago
2 months ago
thanks for your help..
#297790 please help me.. why the kits of both teams are no longer on the matchday screen like in past versions of FM? is it possible fm 2016? thanks...
15 years ago
2 months ago
#297767 please help me.. why the kits of both teams are no longer on the matchday screen like in past versions of FM? is it possible fm 2016? thanks...
15 years ago
2 months ago
thanks for your help..
#297766 FM 2016 FLUT skin - Dark Version v2.3
15 years ago
2 months ago
please help me.. why the kits of both teams are no longer on the matchday screen like in past versions of FM? is it possible fm 2016? thanks...
#297637 FM 2016 FLUT skin - Dark Version v2.3
15 years ago
2 months ago
thanks its beautiful. how can i see my team's kit while match playing? i see only logos already.
#297534 please help! how can i see my team kit on matchday screen??
15 years ago
2 months ago
hi everyone;

i want to see my team kit on main screen while match playing . is it possible? i want your help please..