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#736258 XML files for competition-specific kits
Klim Chiryev
Hey folks! If I have a kit I want to use just for the Champions League (like Barcelona or Dortmund), how would I go about setting it up in the XML file? I've created the IG assets using the IG editor and used FM Kit Creator for the kit itself which has provided me with a default XML for a home kit, but I don't know how I should modify it for it to be doing what I want it to. Thanks in advance!
#731237 Board member IDs
Klim Chiryev
thank you very much, it did help 🙂
#731218 Board member IDs
Klim Chiryev
hey guys, there's been a board election at mu club and the new CEO is a newgen, where can I see his ID so I cah give him a picture? it doesn't let you open a board member's profile like you would a staff member's