Joga Bonito2223 - Comments

#798620 (UPDATE) Characters, celebrities and retired players on FM 23!
Joga Bonito2223
3 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Fatturrahman Al Pradhani 12 October 2024 - 09:08 AM UTC 

why can't facepack be applied?

1 - Make sure the directories are correct, there may be a faces folder inside the faces folder itself, if this happens, copy all the files and place them in the correct faces folder.


2 - See if the player IDs in your game match the face IDs.

Example: If in the game, a certain player has ID 2002043215, then the name of the face file will be "2002043215.png"

To check this, you will need to activate the option to show player IDs in your Football Manager settings.


3 - If the file IDs and file names match. You will then need to recompile the "config.xml" file. To do this, use the “fmXML” tool, which is easily found on the internet.

Before opening it, delete the "config.xml" file, which will be inside your faces folder (I recommend backing up this file to another location in case something goes wrong) After that, open the program, click on "Browse", choose the directory where your faces folder is and click "OK".

Make sure that the options "Create config.xml file", "faces" and "All file names are IDs" are checked, as shown in the example below. Click "GO" and wait for the file to be created. If everything goes normally, you will see a message that looks very similar to the second image. After all these procedures, open the game again and check if the problem has been resolved.


#797699 Characters, celebrities and retired players on FM 24!
Joga Bonito2223
3 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Nate business 30 September 2024 - 22:53 PM UTC 

Not sure if the face pack is working properly.

1 - Make sure the directories are correct, there may be a faces folder inside the faces folder itself, if this happens, copy all the files and place them in the correct faces folder.


2 - See if the player IDs in your game match the face IDs.

Example: If in the game, a certain player has ID 2002043215, then the name of the face file will be "2002043215.png"

To check this, you will need to activate the option to show player IDs in your Football Manager settings.


3 - If the file IDs and file names match. You will then need to recompile the "config.xml" file. To do this, use the “fmXML” tool, which is easily found on the internet.

Before opening it, delete the "config.xml" file, which will be inside your faces folder (I recommend backing up this file to another location in case something goes wrong) After that, open the program, click on "Browse", choose the directory where your faces folder is and click "OK".

Make sure that the options "Create config.xml file", "faces" and "All file names are IDs" are checked, as shown in the example below. Click "GO" and wait for the file to be created. If everything goes normally, you will see a message that looks very similar to the second image. After all these procedures, open the game again and check if the problem has been resolved.


4 - If no solution has worked for you, download the "config.xml" file that I will leave for Download and paste it in the faces folder, replacing the old file.

I hope I helped you as much as possible!