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#705222 sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs Home Thread - 2025.02 OUT NOW [18/01/2025]
Nice!! Will an update file be released for 2022.11, or i must download everything and delete the old version?
#683976 National team kits bug
I agree. It must have occurred after the latest update. I does not happen on older videos, for example this:
#683974 National team kits bug
When i manage both club and NT, i see on this screen the club kits.
#683973 National team kits bug
You are right! I can also see the kits on locker room. I can not see them on the starting 11 selection screen.
#683958 National team kits bug
I can also see the Argentina kits on this screen. They are not visible on start screen (screenshot) and at the locker room screen before the match…
#683870 National team kits bug
Installed the game on a new laptop (no kits, logos, faces etc installed). Started a save with Argentina. Team kits are not visible anywhere. This happens also with other national teams, club kits are visible… Has anybody else encountered this?? I tried installing 3d kits, but problem still occurs. I tried installing 3d kits for clubs, faces etc. Everything working except NT kits.
#683630 3D kits Technical Help Thread
I recently installed 3d kitpacks for national teams in fm22… I can see them during the match, but not in start screen (locker room)… In start screen i don't see either the default kits, i see the “war child” kits… How can this problem be solved???