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#323458 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
I've been playing championship and football manager since 1994, I've been using the fix for as long as I can remember.
I've got a problem since the release of update 16.3,
I replace the three folders in steam folder (data/db etc) and replace the files in my documents but I am still missing the german national team.
This happens whether I do the applying of the fix before a new game, or during one.
I don't use the winter transfer update I just use the normal database plus some files by pr0.
I wouldn't think adding a third party editor data file or ten (changing things like skills etc) would effect the fix.
Any ideas?
#116041 FM14 Officially Announced
Anyway, I have a weird question that I am sure is really easy but I am missing something. I bought my copy of football manager, got the early access beta code, popped it into steam and away you go.
Now, today I received my boxed copy of the game, and instead of putting the disc in my laptop, I simply went into steam and went to activate a product on steam and put the code on the back of the instructions in the box, and it activated. Do I not need to use the disc at all? When I put that in it only gives me options like Play, uninstall or re-install, suggesting that it's already properly installed.... so am I good to go?