Zangor - Comments

#729550 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
#729539 Anton Krivotsyuk
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By Mateee 20 February 2023 - 18:23 PM UTC 

Cześć. Od niedawna należysz do “staffu”, więc rozumiem Twoje pobudzenie i zaangażowanie, ale ja tu jestem już prawie 10 lat. I zawsze było wiarygodnym źródłem i jako takie jest tutaj traktowane, więc przesuń tego Krivotsyuka do Daejeon. Pozdro.


Staram się, by ten "data update" był jak najbardziej rzetelny, więc wybacz, ale nie traktuje 90minut jako pewnego źródła, gdyż ludzie piszący te newsy też się potrafią mylić (jak już parę razy zauważyłem z długością kontraktu, którą podawali błędnie).

Bez wątpienia go przesunę, ale na razie wolę poczekać dzień lub dwa na oficjalne info, tak samo jak to jest z każdym innym transferem na tej stronie 🙂

I wiem, że jesteś Polakiem, ale mimo to stosuje się do zasady, że to anglojęzyczna strona, więc w takim języku piszę nawet do ciebie lub innych Polaków.

#729505 Anton Krivotsyuk
1 year ago
5 hours ago

Neither Wisla nor Daejeon have confirmed this transfer yet. Transfermarkt is also holding off on the change.

@Mateee And please, stop making up contract end dates in your submissions. Just leave it empty if it's unknown.

#729469 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By dacamo 20 February 2023 - 08:50 AM UTC 

Hi! Can somebody make me Metallic logo for my FM? 



#729398 Andrey Santos
1 year ago
5 hours ago

@Ronaldo Fenômeno Please only submit 100% confirmed changes.

#729320 Mateusz Rosół
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By mons 19 February 2023 - 10:48 AM UTC 

I'm not sure how and why @Zangor, but your cuts are very large in terms of filesize. 250x250 cuts are generally anything between 65-110kb. The ones in this pack are between 450kb - 2 MB


This is what my settings look like, if it's any help in reducing them:



Thanks, I found it's an issue with quick export.
File size before resizing - 295KB

File size after resizing and quick export with file overwrite - 295KB

File size after resizing but quick export with file renaming (without overwriting) - 74KB

For some reason, quick export with overwriting keeps the file size of the unprocessed image for me 🙁

#729243 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
#729242 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By dacamo 18 February 2023 - 16:58 PM UTC 

Hi! Can somebody make me Metallic logo for my team? 


Here you go

#728988 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By Michael_Myers 16 February 2023 - 20:55 PM UTC 

Hey there, can anyone make metallic style my fantasy logo?

Thanks in advance 


Here you go 🙂

#728596 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By Castarooo 14 February 2023 - 12:01 PM UTC 

Can somebody make :

  • Ukrainian First League - Group A (5321662) with VBET sponsorship
  • Ukrainian First League - Group B (5321663) with VBET sponsorship
  • Ukrainian Second League (149216) with VBET sponsorship

You can make them according to the style of VBET Liha (Premier League)

5314301.png Thumbnail
Left logo for First League & Right logo for Second League


As bakizp has already told you, you should post updated official logos in the Logos Request Thread and then they will be made for the next Megapack update.


I have moved your post now, but please post in the correct thread next time.

#728448 Sven Schipplock
1 year ago
5 hours ago

@Marc Schweiger As the article states, he will end his career after the end of the season. And it isn't possible to set future retirement unfortunately.

#728365 Kamil Lewandowski
1 year ago
5 hours ago

@luberasa Please add to all submissions a contract start date.

#728361 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By tarajos 12 February 2023 - 13:45 PM UTC 



Can somebody make me Metallic logos for my fantasy club? (Normal, Small Back left, back right)



#728349 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By Benji_hro 12 February 2023 - 12:00 PM UTC 

can someone please make this logo metallic for me ?

with the white border please


Here you go 🙂

#728225 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
#728222 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By bellidne 10 February 2023 - 18:54 PM UTC 

Hi, I am looking to Creat my own club. Wolverton F.C. Could you please make this log metalic for me ?

Thank you. 


Here you go

#728221 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
#728064 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By Nick Kotsonis 06 February 2023 - 03:11 AM UTC 

Hello, I've attached a file with some custom logos that I use for the Create a Club mode.


I would like to have them in a metallic version and only on 180x180 proportions, as the mode needs only a badge. 


Thank you for your time 🙂


I just noticed that you already had custom logos ready and just wanted them to be metallic. I thought you wanted someone to create a custom logo from scratch.

You can post any logo you want to make metallic here, whether it's an alternative logo, a custom logo or one that isn't in the database 🙂

#728011 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By popey94 09 February 2023 - 15:28 PM UTC 

Could anyone reimagine the National league, north and south for me please and not use Vanarama and use HSBC please


If you want someone to create a custom logo for the National League, it's better to ask in this thread.

#727988 Pontus Jonsson
1 year ago
5 hours ago

@Ronaldo Fenômeno You transferred the wrong person:

correct Pontus from Gefle

your Pontus from Karlskrona


Please, don't re-enable submission without checking why it was disabled in the first place 😉

#727984 Aleksandar Živanović
1 year ago
5 hours ago

@Ruslanincha Please add the sign date as well for contract extensions, it prevents the player from leaving the club in the first transfer window in-game 👍

#727981 Pontus Jonsson
1 year ago
5 hours ago

@simon12238 Next time, you can simply leave a comment about the wrong submission 🙂

#727959 Tiago Palacios
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By mons 08 February 2023 - 08:19 AM UTC 

I'll put the 13.06 cut back in.


Do you have any idea if the current cut is of a person currently in the megapack?


Current cut is of Tiago Tomás Palacios.

UID 2000096439

#727953 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By Clément Thiery 08 February 2023 - 18:51 PM UTC 



I've create Corsica club with their flag for the logos 🙂 


Is it possible to have it suddenly in normal and small? thank you so much


Here you go 🙂

#727864 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By Rogbo 08 February 2023 - 15:38 PM UTC 


Could someone create this Hamburger SV Logo?


Thank you!


Here you go

#727822 Javi Mier
1 year ago
5 hours ago

@Lebohang Mokoena Please add the sign date as well for contract extensions, it prevents the player from leaving the club in the first transfer window in-game 👍

#727812 Mauro Arambarri
1 year ago
5 hours ago

@nerQiii Please add the sign date as well for contract extensions, it prevents the player from leaving the club in the first transfer window in-game 👍

#727799 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
#727557 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By Nick Kotsonis 04 February 2023 - 23:34 PM UTC 

So, I have a few more requests to make and they are the attached files. ( I haven't been able to find some teams in the mentioned attached files, is it possible to list them here and maybe you have a go at finding them because I found zero clues about them).


Also, I would like to ask if you make custom logos here or if there is another thread to request for them.


You can request custom logos in this thread 🙂

Here your logos

#727539 💡 Alternative Metallic Logos Request Thread
1 year ago
5 hours ago
By beavis03 05 February 2023 - 11:57 AM UTC 

Can anyone make this logo (without TM) please?


thank you 


