yams - Comments

#777365 Ultra Realistic NewGan Faces - AI Generated Facepack for Football Manager
14 years ago
1 week ago

Deleted. Problem solved. 

#648135 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2021/22 Relink! (27/02/22)
14 years ago
1 week ago

Adds so much to starting a new game this, thank you very much. 

#562459 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
Great work RellomQ, really brilliant.

What I don't get is if SI new they had these animations in the game yet they weren't showing on the actual pitch why didn't they A). Admit it & B). Actually do something about it like this.

Did they really sacrifice visual enhancement for a 'realistic' engine in their opinion? If they did then it seems to be a massive mistake.

I love FM20 other than the terrible visual representation of match day, so much that until this mod I've been playing the visually excellent FM12. This however had brought me back onside & then some. Fantastic work, really fantastic.
#562375 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
Such a sign of weakness that FMScout would remove the page under pressure of SI (if that is what happened here).
Sports Interactive must realize that FM 2020 with a superior match engine versus Football Manager 2021 and later with only a “standard match engine” is an easy choice for the real fans.

If this saga continues I will seriously reconsider buying new versions of FM in the future.

If developers don’t listen to users and implement changes that greatly improve the game experience this is a logical reaction.
I’m on FM Korea and FMNation and both have the ME fixes on their site with multiple updates, luckily SI’s influence doesn’t reach that far.

Great work by the creators of this enhancement and hopefully this community will not “bow to the mighty powers” of SI.

SI: you should have patched and updated a “ridiculous” match engine instead of forcing everyone to keep using it.

FM Scout do this kind of thing, yes. They avoid any potential controversy.
#562374 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
I looked at the FM 20 properties in my Steam library and there are only three different options under Updates: 1) Always keep this game up to date, 2) Only update this game when I launch it and 3) High priority - always update this game before any others.

I think Steam used to have a "do not update without my permission" or something like it before, but alas, not anymore. Therefore it would be quite easy for SI to just force and update on FM 20 and ram it down our throats. Unless, of course, we the players were to prevent FM 20's files from making connections online by creating a specific rule in the firewall..?

There are other more complicated ways to do it in Steam but the best I am currently doing is select option 2 from your list and start the game with internet connection off. This stops Steam looking for updates, you can switch your internet back on when loaded.
#562339 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
For network play does everyone need it or just the host for it to work

#562298 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
They also hide my post replying yours. Remember guys that they are the ones who need our money not the opposite. FM without its comunity is nothing.

I think it's better to stop posting in SI forums as their moderators and admin are a joke. The are showing that they are quite nervous with this.

Just lets enjoy this wonderfull work. I would also recommend to stop the automatic updates for this game.

Definitely turn off auto steam updates or load the game with Internet connection off just in case they patch this. I doubt they will but better to be safe.
#562297 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
I totally agree Yams,

I was just trying to make the point that the physical file that is being altered must affect the match engine or else the match engine does not require physical constraints which we now know is obvious that it does.

So many SI moderators have said its not effecting the ME so either they are agreeing physical constraints does nothing (which we now know it does alter things) or are just plain lying to appease the SI developers and fanboys

They are appeasing their fanbase definitely, just leave them be.
#562228 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
The moderators over on the SI forum also edited my post.

I put in a spoiler the possible changes this patch file makes, I copied over the original physical constraints file that SI used and stated" These are some of the things the patch is altering which we surely can agree affect the match engine and if not, then the ME dosent get effected by physics."

A mod removed the information and this was the reason "Removed a copy of the changed file" The file was the SI original!!

It seems they are now trying to cover SI games complacency regarding the ME.

My advice would be to enjoy the work that is being done here and let them stew on their shoddy work. The point has been made. They are well known for their censorship and protection of their product, let them be.
#562205 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
Just to add to this I'm Si49 on FM Scout & I fully support this mod. SI's take on this looking at their forum is very shoddy to say the least.

Terrific work guys, looking forward to the new version no end. If you need any feedback come seek me out.
#561515 Football Manager 2020 realistic match engine patch
14 years ago
1 week ago
As I've posted on FM Scout today this is by far the best mod I've ever seen for Football Manager and is a truly astonishing & fantastic piece of work. The ME now feels like it should, it flows & its far far more watchable. The biggest compliment I can pay it is to say it feels like FM12's stunning ME.

Thank you very much.
#561317 OPZ Elite 2020 v.20.3.2
14 years ago
1 week ago
To be honest, I also had quite a bit of difficulty finding it and don't remember off hand where I changed it. I know you need to add your new signature font to the fonts folder, but then I am a little foggy on what all I did after that. I just did a quick search through the folders and believe I changed it in one of the below files at this location:
C:\Users\Username\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\skins\OPZ Elite 2020\panels\player

Hope this helps.

Thank you for the reply, greatly appreciated. I'll give this a go today. Cheers.
#560704 OPZ Elite 2020 v.20.3.2
14 years ago
1 week ago
The first thing I did was change the signature font under the player pictures in their profiles. I feel like the one I changed it to looks more like a signature and really like the overall feel of it.

Can you tell me where to go to to edit this font please? I'd like to change this as well. I looked in all the obvious places in the skin folder for it.

#514915 FM 2020 FLUT skin dark - Version 2.2
14 years ago
1 week ago
Hi Flut,

Amazing skin, just as good as 2019's. Absolutely love it.

One question - Is there a way to make the stadium team background pic (mini of squad pic) the main background pic on the team info screens rather than the City pic?

#407837 SS'11/12 Nation Kits Europe link/kits
14 years ago
1 week ago
Absolute legend hammer9, thank you very very much.
#407686 SS'11/12 Nation Kits Europe link/kits
14 years ago
1 week ago

Does anyone have a link or the kits to the SS'11/12 Nation Kits for Europe please?

The link is no longer in the file for download.

Many thanks.
#368254 FM 2017 FLUT skin dark - Final Version
14 years ago
1 week ago
Hey Flut,

I never post here but just wanted to say your skin is beautiful & makes the game look absolutely fantastic.

It's easily the best skin available & you deserve serious congratulations imo.

Anyway, I'm off to change my Alfreton Town formation again.
