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#606595 FMT2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM Touch [released 22/03/2021]
Mons, from what I can see the Switch version is locked down to the maximum, its a shame really.
You can have custom logos, faces and stuff on pc and mobile versions but not the switch, wwhich is a shame.
Unless i've missed something or anyone can point me in the right direction i cant see it being done for now..
#605759 FC’12 Template Area [v9.0]
Thank you. Could you point me in the direction of this template please.
#605748 FMT2021 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v4.0 for FM Touch [released 22/03/2021]
I'm just downloading FM21 Touch on Nintendo Switch. Will this work on there do we know? 🙂
#605640 FC’12 Template Area [v9.0]
#557741 FC’12 Template Area [v9.0]
I'll help make kits if packs became readily available.
I'm trying to learn making them but too many ups and downs currently.
#435494 🛠️ Metallic Logos Technical Support Thread
Will I have to re download or can I transfer over the files into fm18?
#374390 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#374262 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
It's a pleasure to have someone like him on here. If I could buy you a beer IRL I would.
#374050 Stadiums in FM 17.
#373469 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Under 18s Cup which I assume is the FA YOUTH CUP - 100000054
English Under 18s Group 1 which I assume is U18s Premier League? - 98040813 - This comes up as South then it looks like teams qualify for another verison of the Premier League if that sounds right?
However then you have English Under 18s Group 1 which is ?(NOT SURE) - 100000046
#373457 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Would it be possible to give you the ids of my Game and you possibly help me with the code please
#373416 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Under 23s Premier League GROUP 9 doesn't have a logo showing where as groups 1-8 have logos showing.
Could anyone possibly write me the code so I can copy and paste it into the config files please?
#373413 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
For the Under 18s Cup to have the FA Youth Cup Logo, do I.
Copy youth files over from the separate download and copy the writing on the config and add it into the config already there?
#373403 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Non! I've installed everything as shown but for some reason my Game shows Under 18s Cup which I believe it should be FA Youth Cup.
With logos premier league cup is assigned however when you go onto the news it shows FA Youth Cup logo i think!
#373353 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Download your fix pack and the megapack is from here too, the metallic one!
Mons can you assist in helping me get the correct name fix please
#373313 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Edit: U18s Cup has the logo for Premier League Cup?
Now I'm not sure there is a Premier League Cup in Real Life? possibly is for U23s but this one is for U18s.
Edit 2: Looking at it The U23s have the Premier League Cup, so I assume its an error in the Logo Megapack and the name isn't on here?
#372204 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
#372203 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Couldn't wait as I started a new game however I only copied the files onto the 1730 file and it is working fine
#372092 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
#371136 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Current in game Logo
Correct Logo
EDIT: Krem, do you do a logos pack also for in game?
#371107 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Ok, Thank you. So I take it the new Premier League U23s, 18s etc logos need to be put in myself then and changed to correct ID.
#370583 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
Any idea when the next megapack will be out Kremmen?
#370213 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.05 Released [12/03/2025]
This is the new Premier League U21 LOGO
This is the new Premier League U18 LOGO
This is the new Premier League Youth Cup LOGO
There is also a International Premier League logo, not sure what it is for though?
#370206 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
#369891 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
Thank you for your help muchly appreciated sir.
#369842 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
#369836 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
No sir. I can post a print screen if you like?
#369661 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
No, just following the instructions of deleting the folders as above and it keeps saying need permission from admin?
#369619 FM2017 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.1 for FM17.3.0 [03/03/2017]
#369618 FM17 Real Fixtures
So, if I'm on the right lines here. I download FMRTE, change Leicester City group to Brugge, Kobenhavn & Porto then then save everything and all will be ok!
Can I delete/remove FMRTE after I have made the changes or would it need to remain on my Laptop due to edited data?