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#745432 Brazilian Serie D with classification via state leagues
After updating the official file from the Update FM23 site, this file no longer works together with it, they conflict. Please, if possible, update the Série D of the Brazilian Championship, so that it is compatible with the official website update. Thanks.
Após a atualização do arquivo oficial do site Update FM23, este arquivo não trabalha mais em conjunto com ele, eles entram em conflito. Por favor, se possível, atualize a Série D do Campeonato Brasileiro, para que volte a ser compatível com o update oficial do site. Obrigado.
Este arquivo só funciona com a base de dados original.
#743012 FM23 Playable Leagues Megapack - 225 new leagues playable - BOHEMIO 2023
Ah, just now I noticed that you are using Mac... and I don't know if it's the same process for Windows 10. Sorry if it didn't help.
#742466 FM23 Playable Leagues Megapack - 225 new leagues playable - BOHEMIO 2023
3 leagues are corrupted... China, Philippines and islands... forgot which islands... just remove them from the load and everything seems to be back to normal.