IceAdrian - Comments

#768858 WTCS Gold
6 months ago
2 months ago

I would like to thank you very much for your Football Manager skin. Your work has greatly improved the game experience! Here are some suggestions for possible additions that could further optimise the gaming experience:

Add player reputation: The ability to see player reputation in the overview would further improve the decision making process.


Player pictures in TOTW: The integration of player pictures in the Team of the Week (TOTW) would improve the visual experience and promote the recognition of outstanding achievements in the game world.


Rewind during the game: The ability to rewind the game would be extremely helpful to rethink tactical decisions or react to unexpected events without having to restart the entire game.


Display of transfer/loan status: A clear indication of whether a player is listed as a transfer or loan would make it easier to keep track and give managers a better overview of the players available.


Training and average match grade: The integration of training data and average match grades would provide a deeper insight into the performance of players and promote the long-term development of the team.


Weight and height: Adding player weight and height could increase realism and further individualise game strategies.

Thanks again for your excellent work on this skin. I hope these suggestions are helpful and contribute to the further improvement of your skin.