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#329994 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
I managed to figure it out! The files here hidden. I downloaded a programme that shows me all of the files that are hidden.
Thank You anyways for your response.
#329303 FM2016 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v3.2 for FM16.3.1 [07/04/2016]
I have followed these instructions;
/ Users / username / Library / Application Support / Steam / SteamApps / common / Football Manager 2016 / data / db / 1630
Where I get stuck is when I go to my user name there is no Library folder.
I have found the Library folder somewhere else so when I click it, that is where Application Support folder appears.
I then click the Application Support folder and the Steam Icon appears but that only opens up the Steam programme.
I can't find anywhere on my computer the Steam Apps folder let alone the rest of the folders in the chain eg common, Football Manager 2016 / Data / db / 1630??
Can someone please help me?
I've been trying for over a day now and I have even reinstalled Steam and FM16 to see if I have made a mistake?
Thank you in advance for your help!