BlueDragonFM - Comments

#766737 BlueDragons
7 months ago
1 month ago

Blue Dragons


After a few years of FM I haven’t had a save really grip me so this idea came to me as a concept, as a proud welshman and a Cardiff City Fan ive had the idea of a welsh only challenge with a goal to win the treble with cardiff with a welsh squad.





Only Welsh nationality 2nd national qualifies.


Any players at currently at the club can stay and have contract extension.


Any players thought the youth academy are going to be allowed if not welsh eg Bilbao.


Any players Trained at club are allowed


Coaches can be any nationality.



Style of play 


As I consider myself a much better looking pep I’m am a big fan of positional play, and i have been experimenting with a more static midfield and attacking wing backs so this is how I’m setting up 




Key Players


Key Players Going Forward are going to be 


Aaron Ramsey 



I mean he speaks for himself should not be at this level.


Manolis Siopis



Anyone that has ever seen this man play football falls in love a proper terrier runs his legs off then starts crawling to his man.


Rubin Colwill



Wonder boy in Cardiff fans eyes but there’s a lot of work with him in game and in real life.


Mark McGuinness



Macca is IMO Best CB in the league first thing I’m doing is a 30 year extension on his contract.