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#620553 Game preferences Location keeps resetting
Hi Thank you for the suggestion, this actually helped me solve the problem. It seemed that I was also doing what was in this post as well as the preferences → location and it was causing a conflict. So I removed the launch options that I'd mistakenly put in and voila all working. Happy days :-)
Thanks again
#620522 Game preferences Location keeps resetting
Hi all,
As the title says since a couple of days ago, when all was fine, I have lost all my game graphics logos/faces etc etc, these were stored in a different location to the default and were set via the preferences Location setting and also the launch options in steam.
Now when I go to the Preferences → Location the location folder is blank, see below. If I change the folder and confirm, nothing changes, I still don't get all the graphics back, and if I quit the game and restart this location is blank again. Has anybody experienced this? If so how did you fix it? I hope I can get the graphics working quickly as it really loses some of the games appeal to me.