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#233180 Steklo X5
Just one question: will it be possible to add preferred moves panel to player overview and anthropometric data in player profile?
#211549 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
#209945 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
thanks a lot for your job, it’s great!
But could you tell me how to change the text size in your skin (I mean not the size in preferences in FM, but in the skin)? I tried to change these parameters in wannachupbrew FM2015 settings.xml:
<integer id="text_size_small" value="10" />
<integer id="text_size_normal" value="11" />
<integer id="text_size_large" value="12" />
but it was no use.
Also I unpacked by Resource archiver for FM14 the archive skins.fmf in Data and copied it in My documents, changing the same parameters in settings files. Nothing.
After that I attempted to replace the font (for bolder one because the standard font is too thin for my eyes) and I put my font *.otf (changing its name for HelveticaNeueOTS.otf) in the folder Fonts, but it didn’t help too. The unpacking of Fonts.fmf and font files replacement also were useless.
Could you give me an advice how to enlarge the text size or change the font in your skin, please?