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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
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#611234 Records not appearing
#611100 Records not appearing
Not sure how to clear that app data
I'm using a mac and instead of C:\Users\your user name \AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Editor 2021
I have:
macintosh HD/users/my user name/public/sports interactive/editor 2021
and all it has is another folder with skins in and that only has a config.xml file
Sorry I'm a noob at this - thanks for help so far - any other ideas?
was that the right version of the editor?
#611070 Records not appearing
In options I've selected says I download the updates for the editor and I can't see where to do it manually... my editor about page says version: 21.2.0-1499636...Is that the latest?
I did as you kindly showed, Kingrobbo... the first time it said 57 files had failed to validate and would be reacquired (and I have no idea what that means).... the second time everything validated.
however the issue remains.
The game runs fine; it's just the editor... I've tried it before loading editor files too. Same thing.
Next steps?
Cheers Simon
#610979 Records not appearing
Just editing the database... only made competition changes and a couple of clubs right now... all working fine when tested....
But now I've turned my hand to players and some of the records are not appearing! Can anyone shed any light on this?
I've entered names, unique IDs etc and it says records found but doesn't show them...
Clubs appearing fine. image enclosed
Cheers for any help
#577300 Help - Competition Changes Overwritten??
#577140 Help - Competition Changes Overwritten??
I haven't got time to correct tonight but will soon and report back. Thank you so much for replying.
#576974 Help - Competition Changes Overwritten??
First post here but I've been playing Championship Manager/Football Manager since 95/96 season and Kevin Keegan's Player Manager before that. I've never posted before but been a paying member for 9 years! So I come in peace! I've never had cause to post before but this is really getting to me so am reaching out for help... spent hours trying to figure it out yesterday and still can't get it to work.
I'm a strange one and ever since the Editor came about I've liked to do hours and hours of editing to lower leagues etc. In recent years my thing has been to always make a playable team out of a Kevin Keegan's PLayer Manager team I used to always be back in 93... see how they work it out in the real world. And then make loads of other interesting teams to duke it out with them in those leagues.
I'm just starting that process with FM21. I've downloaded the facepacks and kits etc, and unlike before, downloaded the main sortitoutsi fixes to change Zebre etc.
Trying to work through all my fu*kery in systematic fashion, the first thing I've done myself is change the English Competition names. I like to change the branding and logos. Changed the Prem back to the Barclays Prem and then the other leagues.
I saved those changes (41 in all) on a different data editor file called 'comp changes'. I hadn't loaded any other editor files before saving again as another file so I didn't double up on anything.
I tried running the game and when the data first loaded for me to pick the leagues to run, my changes are there... but when it completes the setting up and the game starts, the leagues are back to the original names.
I tried to go round and round - I tested it 50 times trying all different things....
I've tried running it without the other 9 sortitoutsi files and it makes no difference so that seems to suggest they are not overwriting the data editor file I've made (I also checked them for any league changes and can't find any). But something is effecting my file.
The one clue we have is that although the long and short names have all reverted/been overwritten... the 3 letter names have remained changed to my versions. So some of the changes from my file have got through or not been overwritten.
Additional test: I tried making a completely new file with only Premier League changed to Barclays Premier League and still the same result.
I'm sure many of you have a better understanding of what processes happen after you've selected leagues and what might be effecting it.
Many thanks for your help.