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#767085 Greece - SuperLeague 1 2023/24
Βοήθησες. Έσβησα το SS mega και δούλεψε και το δικό σου και κάποια π είχα απο πέρσι. Τόσα χρόνια κατέβαζα κάθε χώρα μονη της αλλά φέτος βλέπω ότι δεν έχουν βγάλει πακέτα…
Όπως και ν χει, ειμαι οκ πλέον.
Σε ευχαριστω…!
English - “You helped. I turned off the SS mega and yours and some I had from last year worked too. For so many years I downloaded each country by itself, but this year I see that they haven't released packages... Anyway, I'm ok now. Thank you...!”
#767052 Greece - SuperLeague 1 2023/24
Φέτος είδα ότι υπάρχει το SS kits megapack και το κατέβασα. Είδα οτι δουλεύει. Κατέβασα μετά το αρχείο σου, και ξεκίνησα σέιβ αφού πέρασα και το αρχειο του editor π έχεις, αλλά δεν δουλεύουν τα kits. Μετά κατέβασα και το Standard kits Megapack τ οποίο έχω ταυτόχρονα με το SS kits. Συσχετίζονται κάπως?
ΕΔΙΤ: Τα αφαίρεσα και τα 2 και δείχνουν κανονικά. καθώς και άλλες εμφανίσεις (όπως π.χ. κάτι περσινές Ιταλίας π δεν υπάρχουν στο Megapack). Τι φάση? 😕
English - “This year I saw that the SS kits megapack exists and I downloaded it. I saw that it works. I then downloaded your file, and started saving after going through the editor file you have, but the kits don't work. Then I also downloaded the Standard kits Megapack which I have at the same time as the SS kits. Are they somehow related? EDIT: I removed both and they look normal. as well as other appearances (such as, for example, some last year's Italy ones that are not in the Megapack). What phase? 😕”
#766946 Greece - SuperLeague 1 2023/24
It doesn't work in mine. I have already added the megapack and those kits work fine. But this 2D file doesn't seem to work.
#575623 Football Manager 2021 Best young free players (u-22)
#355523 [FM16] Logopack TCM16 by Logo-World.net - New Update 16.2 !
#355057 [FM16] Logopack TCM16 by Logo-World.net - New Update 16.2 !