ironpego - Comments

#282705 [FM15] Transfers & Data Update Packs by pr0
13 years ago
1 year ago
That forum always tells me i don't have permission to download files - do they host them anywhere else?

You have to register and introduce yourself in the appropriate section
#282670 [FM15] Transfers & Data Update Packs by pr0
#282654 [FM15] Transfers & Data Update Packs by pr0
13 years ago
1 year ago
Can you make an update with start date on June 2015?
#167161 [FM14] [RELEASED] Alavanja 14 Ultimate (THE MOST COMPLETE SKIN, AND NO BUGS)
13 years ago
1 year ago
It's not a bug, you can still see the numbers clearly. Post a picture of that screen quality because I don't know what you mean, and tell me where did you find that "recognized as"?

I don't know how to say in english, because my FM is in italian, I put 2 screen
#167054 [FM14] [RELEASED] Alavanja 14 Ultimate (THE MOST COMPLETE SKIN, AND NO BUGS)
13 years ago
1 year ago
When I ticked "show recent attribute changes" there is a little bug in the circles
Another request: color of the attributes in the screen quality is white. I want to make them darker.
In "alavanja 14 ultimate settings" where is the line?
After this, it will be perfect. Thanks.

Edit: Where is the description "recognized as"?
#167003 [FM14] [RELEASED] Alavanja 14 Ultimate (THE MOST COMPLETE SKIN, AND NO BUGS)
13 years ago
1 year ago
Posso scrivere in italiano che mi viene più facile?
Dunque ho riscontrato un errore, hai presente la schermata giocatore, i valori sono indicati da un pallino, verde per quelli bassini, blu per i medi e rosso per quelli alti.
Vado dunque su personalizza>interfaccia>colore skin per modificarli, e lì ci sono 4 tonalità, io per comodità metto in ordine rosso>arancione>giallino e bianco.
Però quando faccio salva, i pallini dei giocatori rimangono sempre come prima. Perché?
Si riesce in qualche modo a modificarli? Casomai dammi due dritte che me lo faccio anche
EDIT: il fatto è che ero abituato con la OPZ elite e mi disturba non poco il blu e il verde abbi pazienza
EDIT 2.0 english version: I found an error, in the player's screen the values are shown by a circle green for low, blue for medium and red for high. Then I go into Customize > interface> skin colour and there are 4 shades, I set in order red, orange, yellow and white. But when I save it, the circles of the players remain as before. Why? You can edit in any way? Can I have any suggestions to make it right? Thanks