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#752917 Help Needed, wrong competition showing in Search Bar
didn't even notice that, my bad but is there a skin that shows next match and competition?
#752913 Help Needed, wrong competition showing in Search Bar
tried a new skin, got what I wanted. Cheers
#701983 how to fix UEFA Super Cup and FA Community Shield medals?
Anyone knows how to fix UEFA Super Cup and FA Community Shield medals for all the players in the squad, apparently if anyone without an appearance will not get the medals.
I tried changing the UEFA Super Cup Substitution rule but registered player numbers menu just disappear from the game, now all shirt numbers are fixed to XI like Int. Friendly
Is there a way to create Squad Selection for these matches?
I want to make it like in the World Cup if players are in the squad even if they don't play, they can still win the medals.
#630327 Winners Medals (e.g. Community Shield, Super Cup)
Is there a way to fix winners medals giving out to players, according to 2020 regulations. 40 gold medals are given out to the winners and 40 silver medals to the 2nd place.
Shouldn't at least 23 players (the XI and 12 subs) receive the medals?
Recently won the Super Cup but only received 14 medals and they won't show as a winners of the competition if they don't play, what a shame. Could have boost their reputation slightly.
Lost the Community Shield but 18 players (XI,6subs and 1 unused sub) all won the runner-up medals.