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#742644 Antivirus
Hi all, I have downloaded the Faces pack, and all is well with the game, but when I do a full system virus scan, it gets so far then gets stuck on a .DS_Store file within the faces folders…any idea what is going on?
I can't even find the file (and have no idea what it is)
When I deleted the whole faces folder the scan completed with no issues
Not a massive problem, but one that I could do with some help if possible?
Many thanks
#226984 Two metallic logo folders
#226626 Two metallic logo folders
Any ideas on this?
#215622 Two metallic logo folders
No problem, thanks for all your hard work
#215393 Two metallic logo folders
Also, it seems that I have the wrong logo for the Vanarama Conference
#212933 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.02 Released [20/11/2024]
Reason I ask, it seems I have the wrong logo for the Vanarama Conference Leagues, I have the old Skrill logo
#210151 Download not working
For some reason, every other file downloads fine, it's literally just this one pack that doesn't work! Very strange...I'll do some digging on the apple forums to see if someone there can help advise as to why this one file won't download
To answer your questions
1) Not using any download manager
2) Will try using another browser at some point
3) Sky is my ISP, but every other file downloads with no problem
#209899 Download not working
#209893 Download not working
Just restarted my mac just to see if that cleared anything, but it still fails to download
again getting stuck on 4.8MB (4,754,572 bytes), and it does this after around 4 seconds
It says Kind: Safari Download and this is the location http://fileserver2.sortitoutsi.net/?key=11190041, http://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/3/metallic-logos
I've actually been deleting the files as I try to download the next one, so I don't actually have any previous ones i'm afraid
I've just tried to download the Facepack again, and funnily enough, that wouldn't download either...so when I cancelled both of them, they were both RAR files, and both 330bytes...but then when I deleted them, and tried the Facepack by itself, it started downloading straight away at 1mbs (it would have taken 2 hours to finish), so I paused it after around 30 seconds (downloaded around 28Mbs
Tried downloading the logo pack again, and it got stuck at 4.8Mb, but then when I tried to resume the Facepack, it "bounced" and now has a RAR file of 331 bytes, and then when I tried to resume the logo pack, it is now on 330 bytes.
It seems that as soon as I try to download the metallic logos, it seems to mess up something
Sorry I can't really be more help..I'm not the most computer savvy person
#209851 Download not working
I've just tried to download it three times, and it always stops on 4.8Mb, and as you can see, the key is different
http://fileserver1.sortitoutsi.net/?key=98620474, http://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/3/metallic-logos
http://fileserver1.sortitoutsi.net/?key=54216027, http://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/3/metallic-logos
http://fileserver2.sortitoutsi.net/?key=31490839, http://sortitoutsi.net/graphics/style/3/metallic-logos
Having looked more closely, it says that the file was created and modified on Tuesday, 24th January, 1984 at 08:00
I'm on a Mac if that makes any difference?!
Any help would and I would be grateful, thanks
#209660 Download not working
I've paid for a premium membership, and already downloaded the Facepacks and some kits without problem, however when I try to download the metallic logo pack, the download only goes as far as 4.8Mb (everytime), and then gets stuck!
Any ideas?
I could download the torrent file and then download all the single updates, but i'd rather just download everything in one file
I've just tried downloading the update file only, and that seems to work
#20510 Steklo X3 v1.2
Just a quickie...I changed the colours of the stats using the in-game changer, but when I load up the game the next time, it goes back to your colours? Any reason why this is happening? Do I need to change the colours in the config file?
If I need to change them in the config files, could you tell me where they are please?
Thanks, and great work on the skin!!!
#13554 FM13 worst english team
That's who I've started with!
In the last game I started with Colwyn Bay and took them to European Champions league glory, and I intend to do the same with Truro this time!!