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#152219 Champions League 2013/14
#148964 Old Trafford Lounge
#147255 Champions League 2013/14
What an absolute fucking cunt Jorge Jesus is. I hope Benfica get raped in the next leg just to see that cunt devastated.
EDIT: wrong thread, but oh well.
#145819 The NHL Thread
#143178 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
#143004 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
#142615 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Kiira Korpi is an absolute babe.
There should be an Olympic Babes thread.
#142338 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Interesting video. I was watching the pairs figure skating program and although that was the 6th consecutive time Davis and White beat Virtue and Moir, I thought the Canadians were better. That bit about the Russians and the US making a backdoor deal and what their desired outcomes would be have happened now too.
Hoping the Ladies Single isn't corrupt because if they give the gold to that 15 year old Russian over Yuna Kim, it will be outrageous.
#141642 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
#141582 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
#141431 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Wow, your stupidity is unbelievable, I should've called you a joke instead
That's a part of the game, whoever is taken down due to a penalty from someone else suffers as well, but it's also an issue. It'd be better if they restart the race without the skater causing the offence.
#141345 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
#141331 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Yeah, shut up you mong. She went for a gap that clearly wasn't hers to take and what do you think Fontana would do, just let her pass? It obviously doesn't work like that. Fontana hit the corners first and gained her lane, and Christie invaded it. It was Christie's mistake and with the sacrifice of Park and Fontana who clearly should've went gold-silver.
#141286 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
Absolutely ridiculous that the Canadian and Korean Relay teams didn't advance because of falls due to bad ice, they would've been gold-silver for sure. Also a bit ticked that a Korean women skater got bronze for a sure-golden race because of an absolute joke of a British skater, don't know what the hell she was thinking there.
#138396 Barclays Premier League 2013/14
Altidore shouldn't be playing in the Premier League. Absolute joke of a striker.
#138251 La Liga 2013/14
#138211 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
Really sad to watch his situation the last few years, because before he was Korea's best striker and he would've developed into a better one had he stayed at Lille. Hopefully a lower level of football does him good.
#136381 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
He likes to operate deeper, and now that Mata's here I guess it might be a good fit to have someone organize things from the back. He's better than Cleverley so I think he could start if he comes right now.
I'd be delighted if we're able to get Dante, he'd be able to teach Smalling a thing or two about playing with the ball. Highly unlikely though, he's probably luring a big contract from Bayern.
#136269 La Liga 2013/14
Well the Neymar deal basically involved Barca paying more than the actual reported money, right? Much of it went to Neymar's family, or maybe his former club, or wherever the extra money went. So I was just wondering if the same thing happened for the cases of Villa and Fabregas, because their transfer fees were lower than expected. I thought it was because of Barca's negotiating abilities but now that it's quite certain they have done those things with the Neymar deal, it is a possibility I guess.
#136249 La Liga 2013/14
#136046 Capital One Cup 2013/14
Rafael looked very unlike last season, he was just unable to receive passes and control dribbles, and his crosses were atrocious.
#136007 Capital One Cup 2013/14
#135979 Capital One Cup 2013/14
#135970 Capital One Cup 2013/14
My thoughts exactly. Apparently Ki and Laudrup had a little conflict near the end of last season and he wanted some assurances over his starting place for this season and Laudrup wasn't able to give it to him, hence Ki asked for a loan. I'd like him to stay at Sunderland though, Poyet is playing him advanced more and if Ki regains his ball-striking form during his Celtic days, he'd be a great player for them.
#135952 Capital One Cup 2013/14
#135946 Capital One Cup 2013/14
#135870 Capital One Cup 2013/14
#135786 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
#135522 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
#135369 Transfer Rumours 2013/14
I think Dortmund worked with Augsburg to buy Ji - a few months back Sunderland rejected something like a 4-5 mil bid from Dortmund thinking they would be able to negotiate for more money. Then Dortmund gave Augsburg money to buy Ji because Sunderland would probably not try hard to inflate his price against a small club. Sunderland obviously did not know about it and even announced it as a permanent move to Augsburg on their website. So it's a permanent move to Dortmund and he will spend the rest of the season at Augsburg and begin his 4 year contract with Dortmund in July. Will be a good move for him because he hasn't been playing for a while and he did well in Augsburg last season so he will be able to get his match fitness up in time for the WC.
I don't think Klopp brought him to replace Lewandowski for next season as announced by the media - although I'm hoping Klopp develops him like he did with Kagawa. It's a shame he wasn't used over Altidore who has been absolutely rubbish.