matt_nffc - Comments

#567528 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
12 years ago
1 month ago
I've edited your post to include the images directly in them 😉

Thanks for this - it looks different for me, perhaps as I'm a staff member. I'll bring it to Footygamer's attention and I'm sure he'll solve it asap; bear with us while we sort these initial teething issues out.

Glad it's not just me that can't see how the download page is meant to work.

Maybe it's different if you are a Premium Member, but at the minute when you go to download the latest changes (version 13.00) it takes you to a page that looks like the one you get when clicking the link to download the whole pack. The URLs are different but the pages are almost identical

13.00 changes =

full pack =
#560642 FM 2021 Pre-Order Showing Wrong Currency (USD not GBP)
12 years ago
1 month ago
Shows the same for me. When you look at the option to buy the game along with a premium membership, everything is listed in dollars except for the membership which is in shown in pounds