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#119387 Is/was there a message from britpol here?
At present I'm trying to persuade some sites it wasn't me but him. The sod knows I love playing FM so he chose mainly FM sites. But, fortunately a friend read the post. They were all copy and paste jobs and now all removed.
Of course I log out now. We live and learn right.
#119239 Is/was there a message from britpol here?
Actually Tom, no it wasn't but it was used unknowing to me. I know who did write it though and why. I never log out of forum sites. Just put the page in 'favorites' so it's quick to open. Never thought my stepsons friend would do that.
As for being a Troll. Bit long in the tooth for that.
Can only say it's dealt with now and sorry for the upsets.
And am I a teacher? I've been teaching English for years at university here in Poland. So you could say I am a teacher.
Sorry for the terrible post. Fully understand the reactions.
#119227 Is/was there a message from britpol here?
Just a very quick question please.
Just received a mail from a friend who uses this site asking my why I posted an abusive topic? I've looked and I can't see it. Is this a wind up or what is happening.
I've never sent an abusive message in my life.
Must be a joke though as I can't find it. Any mod tell me what's happening? I'm often on this site. Never had a problem.
Thanks in advance
#118928 Is this site worth it
Nice to read the comments and especially from Rob at the end. Clearly shows the level of intelligence. Can't find anything to say, swear. Infantile. Now am I giving everyone shit. I think Rowan said 'Of course we won't ban you for airing an opinion, just make sure it's better informed in future,. where is the shit there?
Tell me, which is correct here then,
'but i''m buoyed by the fact that we actually made a profit in the past 12 months and hope that we can continue doing well over the next 12 months to compensate for this additional cost' 'Why do I do this and incur losses every year?'
Tell me why links to this site 'for free downloads' are banned on my FM sites? Why not just say come to my site, pay a monthly premium and download.
But if you check around the different FM sites. Put britpol in Search and read my and more importantly your comments. By the way, to advertise on these sites charging for ANY service, is banned. Doing as you do is 'Spamming'. Just relax, I'll forward your profits comments ('but i''m buoyed by the fact that we actually made a profit in the past 12 months and hope that we can continue doing well over the next 12 months to compensate for this additional cost' to the Webmasters and I'm confident they will all be removed ASAP.
I told sites my intentions to get you to admit your making money = business and your response gave me the proof. Silly, silly.
#118840 Is this site worth it
I've recently joined this site as I saw the good, well some, downloads are. When I tried to download guess what... I have to pay. Premium Membership at 83p per month. Now that is a rip off. Sorry to say that but it's true. Just how many 83p"s are there? Probably 1000's Also, what about people who live in countries like Poland? I'm a Brit but I've lived and worked here for 18 years. I'm a teacher and I earn less than 500 pounds a month and to most Poles, that's a lot of money. Many earn 100 pounds. How can they afford this money every month. I know many, many FM players here and abroad and only one was a premium member but he's not now.
Sites I belong to ban members from placing links that point to this sites charged for downloads.
Yes, I probably will be banned for this but it's not fair to make it impossible for people from poor countries, or pensioners like me who have to work to live.
Come on people. Work out how many people pay and you'll see how good a business this is. Please don't say 'Support this site'. People have bought it many, many times.
Waiting to read any comments prior to my ban.
Thanks in advance,