Earond - Comments

#227433 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
12 years ago
2 years ago
Bergkamp player stats uses different files for the background than the other panels. By default it uses the files at boxes/custom/plain/standard/paper while other panels use the files in graphics/boxes/subsection/standard.

There's two ways to fix it. The easy way would be to copy the "paper" and "paper@2x" files from Scorpio/graphics/boxes/subsection/standard/ into Scorpio/graphics/boxes/custom/plain/standard/

The other way, which I would do it, would be opening the bergkamp player stats.xml in the panels folder and changing the <container id="pslt" class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/custom/plain/standard/paper"> to <container id="pslt" class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/subsection/standard">

The second option would change the bergkamp player stats to use the same paper files as the other panels and if you ever want to change the transparency of the panels you would only need to edit the opacity of one file.

But as wannachupbrew said, you have made changes to the skin and since I don't know what all you have been changing, I cannot really help any further either. Hopefully that helps though.

The stats panel has different border sizes, which is why it has it's own files. You will need to copy the "paper" and "paper@2x" files from 'Scorpio/graphics/boxes/bordered/standard/' into 'Scorpio/graphics/boxes/custom/plain/standard/' and open the 'paper.xml' file and change '<record id="image_borders" left="10" right="10" top="5" bottom="1"/>' to '<record id="image_borders" left="8" right="8" top="0" bottom="0"/>'. Or just put the files back that were originally in the skin.

Thanks guys! Works fine for me.
#227227 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
12 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, this part of the skin doesn't have a panel. It is right? How can I add a panel?

#226932 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
12 years ago
2 years ago

How can I change panel's background opacity?

#222314 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
12 years ago
2 years ago
You can change the colours in the 'Scorpio settings.xml' file

Done! Thanks!
#222241 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
12 years ago
2 years ago

How can I download a previous version of Scorpio skin? I'm disgusted with new buttons and options color and borders.


#217058 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
12 years ago
2 years ago
Hi wannachupbrew,

I want to change your skin boxes color and border color too. Could you please tell me which files I have to modify?

This is because I changed the background and now boxes appear quite dark.

Thanks in advance and good work with skin!
