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#755712 Action Style Facepack 24 HD
Thank you!
#727728 Action Style Facepack FM22
Thank you!
Are there any Lazio players added/changed in the update, such as Luka Romero/alternative picture of Milinkovic that I suggested or is the original enough?
#727074 Action Style Facepack FM22
Hi Lembergman,
the Lazio actionpack (and the others are all gone, do you know how this can be fixed/where they can be found elsewhere? thank you in advance.
#705034 Action Style Facepack FM22
@lembergman I completely understand that you have more important things to do so I am just wondering if you know of any how-to guide on how to create actionpacks that I can use? I thought that since I just need 2 I might give it a shot myself. I cannot find anything when googling. Thank you!
#703707 Action Style Facepack FM22
Thank you Lembergman!
Luka Romeros photo is from the old season though and if possible one alternative to Milinkovic.
So only these 2, if you have the time to fix them I would really appreciate it. If not thanks anyways!
Luka Romero, Lazio, 2000032231
Sergej Milinkovic Savic, Lazio, 62127037
(both in same size of course, the photos I found were not really in same size).
#702456 Action Style Facepack FM22
#702454 Action Style Facepack FM22
#702453 Action Style Facepack FM22
#702451 Action Style Facepack FM22
#702450 Action Style Facepack FM22
I had no idea you are from Ukraine, sorry and thank you!
Do the players always in every game have same the ID? in that case I will copy paste many from previous years since they are still in the club.
If not, you could still create the photos and I will just re-name them?
#702331 Action Style Facepack FM22
Hi Lembergman, "by next week", did you mean from this Monday so that I can send it now allready?
Also, do the players always in every game have same the ID or will it work through that I put the new(?) IDs on them(your photos) when the game gets released and just paste them in then?
thank you!
#702070 Action Style Facepack FM22
Thank you, can I send you my request allready now or do you prefer that I do it next week?
So, it works and the players always in every game have same the ID or will it work through that I put the new(?) IDs on them(your photos) when the game gets released?
Lazio will have played one more game at 20:00 so more player-photos available after that. Luka Romero might play his first game for this season but if not I will kindly request you to do him in the futurel I can just update the thread.
#701953 Action Style Facepack FM22
Hi Lembergman!
Thank you for the amazing work that you did for me and everyone last year, you are a true action-pack king and individual that is dedicated to helping out others!
I am just wondering how early I can send in my request for the actionpacks for FM23/the Lazio-kits for the season 2022/2023, if you are still kind enough to do them?
The game itself does not need to be released in order for you to do the season 22/23 Lazio-kits right?
The players dont change the number ID's in the game? or even if they do you could just do the actionpack-pictures and I can just save them and once the game is relased name them with the correct ID's and paste them to the graphics-folder anyways?
Thank you in advance!
#664448 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
I fixed it now, thank you!
#664434 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Luka Romero, Lazio, 2000032231 is not getting a facepack in the game, am I the only one having this problem? I have also tried to manually download his facepack, naming it with the correct number but when I put it in the facepack-folder with the other facepacks, nothing is happening.
He is very young, only 16 but also one of the biggest talents in the game so not sure why or if this has anything to do with it.
Anyone knows how I can fix this problem?
#664432 Action Style Facepack FM22
My I ask you for a last thing. @lembergman ?
Could you please upload the below Sergej Milinkovic Savic, Lazio, 62127037 instead? even if you cant I am still very thankful for all the amazing work that you have done!
but if possible and I promise I wont have a single request after this, it would be amazing!
#663855 Action Style Facepack FM22
Awesome actionpacks. lembergman. Looking forward for the rest.
Couldnt you find one for Luka Romero? if you want one from this season, here is a good one;
Thank you so much!
#663161 FM21 Rensie Purple & Dark skins Low Resolution
Thank you!
Will there be a purple one though? I thought that they were the best.
Many thanks in advance.
#663160 Action Style Facepack FM22
And here comes the last, many thanks in advance, youre truly making the game much better!
#663151 Action Style Facepack FM22
#663150 Action Style Facepack FM22
I just saw that you wrote that I “It's easier for you to update the team in a couple of messages” so here it comes, 2 more messages.
#663146 Action Style Facepack FM22
Oh sorry I missed it!
It goes for the whole Lazio team but I can see that its a maximum of 6 players at a time. Here are the 6 most important to me;
Many thanks in advance, really appreciating your work!
#662741 Action Style Facepack FM22
I really appreciate the work behind this facepack but when I download the players for my team (Lazio) they have the kits from the previous season (as well as the season before that).
Will there be an update so that its for FM22 and not FM21/FM20?
#657723 DF11 Megapack & Updates
If I want to only have the Lazio players with the 21 / 22 kits - when can I expect this?
Almost every single player has the kit and photo from the previous season, Luka Romero is one of few exceptions….
#657719 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
One thing that im dreaming about is an FM22 action-pack, FM-base released one even before the beta last year. Do you think that it will come this year?
#657713 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
1, I cannot see any team search field;
2, So all the updates and newcomers will be there?
3, Got it, thanks!
#657701 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
I understand that thank you very much!
That was an update I did not have. The only newer photos I really care about are those for the Lazio players.
1, How did you filter away so that you only got the Lazio-players/leaders?
2, Since I only care about the newer photos - can I just go there and take all the newcomers in the upcoming weeks? most players are there but some are missing.
3, Is there a way of downloading all of them in one or do I need to do it manually one by one?
Many thanks in advance!
#657513 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
When I download this back, 90% of the player faces are from the previous season. In my team Lazio they are all the same as they were in the previous season and of the biggest talents in the game, Luka Romero doesnteven have a face-picture.
Many thanks in advance!
#657512 FM21 Rensie Purple & Dark skins Low Resolution
Any news guys?
This skin it the best ever, I would love to se it in FM22!!
If its not gonna come; can someone recommend me a similar? so something purple with the same colours at the player-stats as the original has (grey/yellow/green).
MANY thanks in advance!
#516757 Milinkovic Savic has 2023 as contract yet IRL he has 2024 - its been like this for a while now - please change!
so i must have all the other changes - or can i separatly download on ly the contract change for Savic?