FM24 Real Name Fix
FM23 Real Name Fix
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#817104 56x Female Office assistant Facepack 250x250
Tommy Hughes
#795694 3D Matchballs Megapack - Season 2024/2025 V1.3
Tommy Hughes
@BabaYaga89 This pack is fantastic work, thank you very much!
#795621 Finnish 2nd and 3rd divisions
Tommy Hughes
I feel like I've seen that file for FM24 somewhere. I'll let you know if I come across it.
#795612 Finnish 2nd and 3rd divisions
Tommy Hughes
If you have a file for that, place it in the \Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\editor data\ folder (or its equivalent) and when you start a new career, choose that file from a list of custom files that shows up on the screen where you choose the Database version etc.
If that file shows as unable to be used (has a ! next to it), then it probably means that version of the file is not applicable with the database version. (There's the original DB 24.0 and the latest one, 24.3).
Hope this helps.
#795001 Poland - 1 Liga SS'2024/25 New! (11/09/24)
Tommy Hughes
Thanks! The download is working now.
#793686 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2024/25 Relink! (21/02/25)
Tommy Hughes
Terrific! Thank you!
#777446 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Tommy Hughes
It is. Different files are affected with these two separate updates, so no worries mate! 🙂
#767524 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Tommy Hughes
This is the file for the hovering popup panel:
\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\skins\fm2024flutskin_dark\panels\player\player additional attributes panel1.xml
You can open the file in Notepad, search these parts and edit them accordingly::
<record id="object_property" get_property="Pcab"/>
<!-- <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcab"/> -->
<record id="object_property" get_property="Ppab"/>
<!-- <record id="object_property" get_property="Ppab"/> -->
This will place a red square in place of the CA/PA values, thus hiding them.
#766384 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Tommy Hughes
That's crazy. 😢
#766228 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Tommy Hughes
I so wish Mbappe, Rashford, Jude Bellingham, Vinicius Jr. and many other non-white high-profile players got in touch with Miles and asked him what the flipping heck is going on. 🙂 Perhaps that would make SI actually take the matter seriously, hurry up and fix things.
#765342 FM23 "Increase Realism"- Megapack FINAL OCTOBER Update by Daveincid
Tommy Hughes
Nope. You need to place the files you wish to use for your save into the \editor data\ folder BEFORE starting the save in question.
#765341 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Tommy Hughes
Holy crap, that sounds wild! :o
#765113 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Tommy Hughes
#764252 Scottish Pyramid Accurate
Tommy Hughes
Take care, all the best!
#764185 FC'12 Download Area 2023/24
Tommy Hughes
Hope you get well soon! Also, thanks for your great work, these kits really improve the FM experience a lot!
#763049 Players don't have same attribute values in the beginning of every save
Tommy Hughes
That sounds odd, especially if the values fluctuate so much… It's a huge leap between 9 & 5 and 12 & 19! Like a complete different player or the same player at a very different age/stage of their career.
#763047 FM24 Japan Database Fix
Tommy Hughes
Tremendous job, mate! Take your time.
#763045 Spain - La Liga Santander 3D'2023/24 Relink! (04/01/25)
Tommy Hughes
When I run the file through the FM 24 pre-game editor it shows the removals of 3rd kits as the only succesfull changes while all others fail. 😢
This years editor is truly a buggy mess and I don't think SI are much interested in fixing it, despite the bug reports.
#762359 FM24 Boot Selector
Tommy Hughes
Great work, thank you!
#760295 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Tommy Hughes
#760273 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Tommy Hughes
Thank you very much for this much needed added bit of realism for FM! You're doing a fantastic job in making the game a much deeper experience.
Could I just ask you what parts in the contents of the simatchviewer.fmf archive have been edited, so that I could reapply only those particular files/folders when FM 24 gets updated, without having to overwrite the entire new simatchviewer.fmf in the process, please?
#760193 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack for FM24 (10/11/23)
Tommy Hughes
Sadly, there's a bug in FM 24 that SI need to sort out before we can see the badges. Hopefully a fix is on its way…
#760166 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack for FM24 (10/11/23)
Tommy Hughes
Wonderful stuff! Additions like these really bring the game to life and give it more realistic atmosphere and immersion. Thank you so much to all who've worked on this project since its birth last year!
#759144 FM24 - Competitions True Color Fix
Tommy Hughes
…\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2024\\editor data\
#759120 Premier League and Championship real fixtures and results for FM24
Tommy Hughes
Could this be a solution? If you were to leave the “Use real Fixtures” box unticked, but chose the fixture file when creating a new game, then would the game actually override its own real fixtures with the editor file's fixtures and results?
#759084 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Tommy Hughes
Just as I was preparing to start and test a new save, SI rolled out another update. I think something in the Database files got altered, since at least one file in \2400\edt\permanent\ would appear to have a fresh “Date Modified” date…
Could someone knowledgeable please confirm whether it's safe to overwrite with the current 1.0 Real Names Fix or should I await a yet newer one?
Thank you, and thanks ever so much to Mons & all contributors for their hard work!
#759073 Nik33's Media Pack (FM22)
Tommy Hughes
Found the packs for FM 23 here:
(Nik33's FM23 Data Packs in Steam Workshop for FM 23) Couldn't find his SortitoutSI -postings for FM 23, so I hope it's okay to post this link here?
#759016 FM24 - Competitions True Color Fix
Tommy Hughes
I wholeheartedly agree!
#758991 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Tommy Hughes
I just had this issue when I tried to run the editor for the first time. I had the game installed on SSD drive C: and the editor installed in drive D:. As soon as I unistalled and re-installed the editor into the same drive as the FM 24 game , the editor was able to find the game files.
Hope this solves your issue as well!
#758616 England Levels 1-10 FM24
Tommy Hughes
Much appreciated!