Tommy Hughes - Comments

#710072 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By Tricolor de Coração! 05 November 2022 - 21:43 PM UTC 

From R$179.90 to R$239.90 … or approx. US$35.66 to US$47.56…. or 35.72 to 47.64€. depending on which Mega-pack you purchase from them/him. He/They also allow you to pay in 12 installments.

Well that's a highway robbery and a half!


#708919 Burnley - The Dyche Era (FM12)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago

Cool, this sounds interesting!

#707380 FM2023 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v5.0 for FM23.5 [released on 09/05/2023]
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By spike72 24 October 2022 - 04:52 AM UTC 

Hi Guys,


I seem to be getting this ID code written after players names on FM23 Beta, does anyone know what causes this and how I can remove it?  (Mac User)


Thanks for any advice.


There's an option in the preferences, something like: “Show individual ID's for skinning.” That option is always off by default in each FM game, but matybe yours is on for some reason?

#707377 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By SC00P 24 October 2022 - 16:47 PM UTC 

Man, I would have a hard time playing FM23 without FLUT skin.. Really, I am not joking, would ruin ¾ of the fun.


I wholeheartedly agree on that!


#707376 England - English League Level 1-6 3D'22/23 Relink! (19/03/23)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By Teej2001 24 October 2022 - 16:47 PM UTC 

The kits work for me in game but are not displaying in the club info section. Anyone know a fix for this or experiencing a similar issue?

The kits used in the match engine are 3D kits. The ones in club info page are 2D kits, so different pack of kits is needed there. (SS kits for example, which means short sleeved 2D kits)


#707068 Realistic Weather 2.0
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By fmilln7 23 October 2022 - 19:10 PM UTC 

Will this file work in FM23? Cheers


I'm sure it would work otherwise, but these editor data-files have to be opened and saved in FM 23 Pre-game Editor, and that is not released until when the official game (not beta) releases.

#706471 England - English League Level 1-6 3D'22/23 Relink! (19/03/23)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By rocky wright 21 October 2022 - 16:44 PM UTC 

How did you dig them out?


My guess: using the Resource archiver of FM22. 🙂

#701749 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By Alfeiten 04 September 2022 - 22:19 PM UTC 

How can I solve this? When hovering over a player's profile icon I still get to see their CA and PA, even though I'm using the alt version that removes it from their profiles

Hi! I've found my own solution for this issue and keep the following reminder/note prepared for myself so I can easily return to it and redo the changes for the latest Flut Skin version that I put in use:


NOTE TO SELF: I found the file controlling the showing of number attributes CA & PA in player profile!
D:\USER\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\skins\fm2022flutskin_dark\panels\player\player additional attributes panel.xml
changed line
             <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcab"/>
<!--              <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcab"/> -->

and changed line
             <record id="object_property" get_property="Ppab"/>
<!--              <record id="object_property" get_property="Ppab"/> -->

NOW the CA/PA numbers are not showing in player profile!


D:\USER\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\skins\fm2022flutskin_dark\panels\player\player additional attributes panel1.xml
And NOW the CA/PA numbers won't be showing in the hovering player profile!



When done correctly, this small adjustment causes the CA/PA number boxes to appear “censored” with a bright red color, not showing any number value.

#680588 Russia
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By bartdude 04 March 2022 - 17:00 PM UTC 

I agree, this is not a platform for political discussion but I don't have an issue with removing Russian teams from FM. Sadly, it's the their citizens generally and FM players in Russia who will be particularly effected. As regards the fact that Putin would be unaware of video games is probably untrue. What is fact, is that most Russians are brainwashed by a state controlled media that constantly puts out untruths and threats of imprisonment for those that speak out against it, while citizens in Ukraine are innocently slaughtered and that's the true injustice.

I meant in no way to belittle the actual injustices, crimes against humanity and other atrocities going on (and having been going on for a long time) by the corrupted regime that hardly consider the good of the very people it's supposed to represent, but rather pondered the situation in terms of the "FM universe", if you will.

Many of us want to escape the rotten reality around us by immersing oneselves with the alternative worlds inside video games , but of course some of us don't even have that possibility.

While we may disagree on the complete removal of Russian teams  of FM database, I respect your opinion and in no way consider my own suggestion a 100% infallable and absolutely only solid and correct way to proceed.

That's what this world needs most anyway, and always has needed: respect, understanding of different subjective points of view and non-confrontational discussion and acceptance of them. Aggression, escalation, bullying, hatemongering and fighting belongs to the few big strong leaders (who would seem to either want the world all to themselves or alternatively to watch it all burn so they don't have to die alone). I think most of us regular people just want to be safe and live our lives free.

#680551 Russia
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago

I'm actually not sure whether I agree with possibly completely banning/removing Russian teams/leagues  (apart from Rus national team in WC 22) in this virtual setting. On one hand I understand it (as I do get its necessity in the real world), but then again there had to be a line drawn somewhere between realism and playability concerning Covid as well, and I think they made the right call not to implement corona in FM.


I'm not sure disabling Russian leagues or national team would be the fairest option to ordinary Russian people, and anyone else on this planet, who wish to manage those teams and include them into their FM save's football world. It might actually further demonize all Russian people as a grouped nationality. We need to remember who the actual culprit and EVIL in this situation is: their highest echelon of "leadership" if you can even call it that, as it doesn't lead but rather forces, threathens, assassinates and lies its way into riches as their own people, not to mention their neighbours, helplessly suffer.


Basically:  F Covid ---→ do not alter FM to fully reflect Covid reality.  F Putin to deepest hell --→ alter WC 22 for reality but let the rest of the FM universe play out as if the world was a better place and the sick, narcissistic DICK-tator didn't exist.


As a comparison, should the existence and terror regime of Saddam Hussein have been penalized by removing Iraq off the footballing map? I feel that would only be a sanction towards the nation and its people, not the sick leader. It doesn't make much sense in the virtual wolrd of football. Otherwise FM should have, since ages ago, simulated Blatter & FIFA's corruption as well, if the game was to be the exact realistic representation of the game of football with all its beauty - AND ugliness.


Also, I'm sure most would agree that FM 22 should not be altered to reflect the current status of football in Ukraine, but instead the situation before these latest horrific assaults should remain the applied “realistic fantasy setting" of Ukrainian football at the early parts of the current season. To deprive anyone of the possibilty to include Ukrainian clubs, their cancelled leagues, their (now possibly bombed-to-ground) stadiums and active players in their save, as it was until a while ago, would be an undeserved blow without any positives to achieve. I don't feel it's the added pinch of realism I myself crave for. I just wish people and things were as they were - free, unassaulted and alive. 😢 At least in video games we can still have that alternate reality within our grasp. How things should be instead of the hellish era a single lunatic has kicked off.


That is why I feel like, what it comes to the "bubble" of FM, a mad ruler's actions have needlessly devastated the state of both Ukranian and Russian football alike. (Not that it's a matter of much gravity amid all this actual horror going on this very moment, but in the context of Football Manager and what real-word events it should or should not reflect.) Why should one nation be punished and wiped off the (simulation of) earth, when the other, at least, absolutely should not?


P.S. My intention is not to make this a political discussion, but rather an examination of humanity, and the questioning behind the looming decision to shame and blame and erase a whole nation off a video game (the last safe haven in this ugly world where things can be good instead of evil and where you can always load a previous save if things go tits up). Is this really the best course of action to help bring down a modern day Napoleon who's probably never even seen a video game?

#680096 FM22 Real Fixtures & Results 30 May (27 championships) Final Update
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By wpazzurri 01 March 2022 - 02:03 AM UTC 

Sorry if this has been covered somewhere already, but I'm a bit confused.


All the league fixtures look good, but the players all have 0 for league apps. Is this just an unfortunate reality of this sort of database, or is something not working as it should?



That is unfortunately the way it works with files like this. The results are taken into account, but not simulated in the regular way, so the game cannot decide who has played in which match, who scored the goals etc. so those stats from the Real Result matches will remain as zero.

At least that is the case as far as I know. (I've used a Real Results file and Custom Starting Date in few other FM's but not in FM22.)



#678392 FM22 England Lower Leagues to Level 14
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By R Charlston 16 February 2022 - 12:27 PM UTC 

playing with Garforth town, found a young norwegian striker, never had a season like it


Holy crap! What is he, like a Championship-level striker (attribute-wise)?

#676911 England - English Leagues Level 7-10 3D'2021/22 Relink! (15/04/22)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By bolid74 04 February 2022 - 12:43 PM UTC 

After more than 2.000 kits for 21/22 season, the time has come for me to draw the line and conclude my work on 21/22 season. I need a break before 22/23 season starts. I will however continue to post new templates in templates topic. Sorry to those who requested a kit that didn't make it to the pack but hopefully other kit makers might do some of them and post it here.


New in this update:

  • Enfield new home kit (Isthmian level 7) - previous anniversary kit is still in the pack
  • a dozen or so new kits in levels 9 and 10, not sure anymore




Thank you very much for your skillful and diligent work!

#674018 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By tonytonytony 13 January 2022 - 21:14 PM UTC 

the one in the middle will be hard to make 😛 


That's their third kit - buttoned special shirt template and ankle-length shorts are required. =)

#673649 FM22 Stadium Edits - Updated 06/12/2021
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By rabcp 09 January 2022 - 14:34 PM UTC 

I’ve not really had a lot of free time lately however, I have plans of adding further stadium edits for the most played European leagues including Italy, Scotland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal and Turkey 


That's great to hear.

#673108 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By KGeorgiev90 08 January 2022 - 23:47 PM UTC 

Hi everyone, my question is about adding one of the balls to a league that hasn't got a specific ball 


I would like to add a ball to the Bulgarian first division, the ID for that is 75000 but I doesn't work for me, can someone help me and tell me what do I have to specificaly write in the config file to add a ball to this league ? Thanks in advance for your help ! 🙂 

Name the selected ball picture file to bulgaria.png

Then add these two lines into the ball pack config.xml:


        <!-- Bulgaria First Division -->
 <record from="bulgaria" to="graphics/pictures/balls/75000/default"/>


#672658 Never have I ever…
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago

Wow, that bright orange playing field looks more like Djokovic versus Nadal than a football match! 🙂

#672212 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By Rich B 04 January 2022 - 20:32 PM UTC 

Thanks for asking mate, no and yes i guess is the answer.  I was diagnosed with something called FAP well that's the abbreviation.  Too long to type.  I had to have my entire large bowel removed or i would be dead within a year due to its aggressiveness.  That was 5.5 years ago.  Many complications including sepsis twice.  Many infections and poor treatment from a hospital which left me changing hospital and surgeon entirely. I have been housebound for nearly 3 years unless i starve myself for a day or two then i can make it to any medical appointments.

Up most of the nights with horrific pain and other embarrassing situations, one wouldn't wish to type haha

I'm overdue camera procedures by 2 years to see if and where the condition has or is spreading to (other organs etc) scans are meant to be every 6-12 months. So i am dreading when they do eventually go in to see what the state of play is… Only time will tell


Sorry to hear, man. All the best to you, truly and sincerely.

(And apologies for sort of “eavesdropping”, it feels like, and butting in. Been a member here for a long time, not to mention that I would sympathise for the struggles of my fellow man regardless.)


I suppose for most of us long-standing members of the community, FM has been a considerable part or backdrop of our lives in one way or other for quite some time. Not too many games/game series are like that, really.


My journey as a manager began in 1999 with Championship Manager 99-00. Time spent on the game has varied through the different stages of my life, and (after having a kid in 2013) slowly but surely declined up to this year's game that I've barely touched - apart from the idling, testing, modding, editing, planning a perfect save, prepping and finally playing the early stages of a new season or two.


Since July I've been dealing with a divorce after fifteen more-or-less great years and a kid to boot.

Not feeling like pretty much any free time activity, even sports or computer games, mattered (for 2-3 months) was a whole new experience for me. To me, games have always been a safe haven of solace, enjoyment, carefree imagination, trying on different roles, learning new things and deep immersion.


I decided to buy FM 22 to add normalcy in my life, and to prepare myself for the first Christmas holiday alone since… well, forever, I suppose. Surprisingly, I've hardly had the motivation, time or level of concentration required to play the game I'm basically very interested and excited about.

I also play football IRL, and usually play FM actively during the off-season to deal with the footy withdrawals, but not this year apparently.


Also, didn't mean to hijack your post @Rich B , but rather to open up and share around the “campfire” that is Football Manager. It oddly connects us throught this great community, though our ages, locations and walks of life must vary quite a lot. And that is something pretty neat.


I wish you all a very good 2022. Stay safe and stay well!

#671733 FM22 Real Fixtures & Results 30 May (27 championships) Final Update
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By pao_13 02 January 2022 - 06:49 AM UTC 

hi mate, happy new year.. how can you include the scorers? is there a way around this? 

Unfortunately it's not possible.


#669623 Portugal - Liga Bwin 3D'21/22 Updated! (21/12/21)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago

I noticed the pacos kit files are named slightly wrong:

Config says pacos_1, pacos_2, pacos_3

The files are named pacos1, pacos2, pacos3.

#669157 Some kits not working? SSKCC22.4.1 v2.1 for SS'2021/22 kits on FM22 only. Relink! (01/07/22)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By crazykev 19 December 2021 - 00:50 AM UTC 

Hey there, can somebody assist me… i am trying to add in the short sleeve kits into my game. I've followed the guides above and also watched the clip but that doesn't appear to be resolving anything. Here's the scenario… 


I put the kits in and the home and away (and the third for the majority of the teams) does work. But for some it doesn't populate -  i'll use Norwich as an example (i'm having this problem with about 8 teams throughout the full 9 tiers) ; 


here are the kits i've added into my deal pack;


the config file is edited accordingly; 


i then go in the game - preferences; refresh the skin, but only the home and away seems to populate (the third kit comes through as a fake kit) - 


I then used the edit in game to add a third strip (like in the youtube video above) - put all the colours in etc, pressed okay -  



but unlike when in the video he presses okay and allow licensed kits and it sorts out the problem - mine still doesn't populate?  (i have then gone into preferences and reload skin etc) - but nothing. 





would you know why? 


*note - i know there is nothing wrong with the PNG image file, as i tested by swapping norwich_2 with the norwich_3 pic and the same thing happened, just obviously the pic changed. 


I think I found what's wrong.

Look at your config: the third kit config is currently:  …team/691/kits/away,

It SHOULD be: …team/691/kits/third

#667993 sortitoutsi is officially 18 years old today!
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago

Congratulations, and good job!!!

#667252 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
#666942 Adboard Patch removed from site
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By Robert Lovell 09 December 2021 - 12:20 PM UTC 

Although it has happened, the main reason isn't because of modding itself, It's using copyrighted imagery (sponsers etc) and animated adboards. i know of one example where a sponser has asked SI to do something to stop their images being used, and I feel like others would have as well. hopefully we can still add our own as i am all for it


Isn't it a “wee bit” ironic that companies want to shove their logos, jingles, brand names and titles into anything and everything - and then when they get some free advertisement in a neutral or even positive context, they loose their shit and claim their “misused” trademark from a literal private, non-profit individual modder who's, if anything, actually doing them a favor.

#666648 Adboard Patch removed from site
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago

What a friggin' nightmare. 😢


@rabcp The fruits of your hard work (and many other community creators like you) have given FM that added sprinkle of realism and real-life football magic that keeps me playing it year after year. At least until now.

Each time I launch the early beta without the crucial additions, I realize how empty and unrealistic the vanilla game feels. The true spirit of my beloved real-life football emerges the same time as I get to install the versatile custom-made modifications and additions.

They really bring to life the game I WANT to love, WANT to play and WANT to never get tired of. But I think I already would have a long time ago, were there no such dedicated people contributing, creating and setting their brilliance loose on the skeletal frame of the game to add the meat that makes it more authentic and life-like.


My interpretation of what's happened:

SI have agreed new commercial deals with advertisers. They've agreed to have a set degree of visibility guaranteed for the advertisers.

To ensure that visibility to their adverts, SI have decided to take down custom adboards and force their set adboards in their place.


To those who defend SI and say they have no choice, it's the advertisers who require the specific visibility: wake up.

SI has sold advert space in your game and mine. They've chosen the greedy route and placed our virtual football simulation experience for sale. They've agreed to have adverts to be forced on us and data collected about our decision to click or not click the links on those adboards that lead to the corresponding web sites of said advertisers.


I'm upset. And the way I see it, this is on SI. They wanted to monetize the match engine one step further this year. What's next? No custom 3D kits? Will those be sold as DLC? One thing the game industry has proven time and time again is that its greed has no boundaries. However, individual companies can choose their way. It'll be interested which way SI are heading. That will effect my future decisions on whether to support and buy FM or not. (And whether it'll appeal to me anymore or not.)

The ability to customise - and thus make FM more realistc - has been the crucial factor behind my buying each FM game for years and years now.


I've bought Football Manager (or Championship Manager) since the 99-00 iteration, with the exception of maybe 2 or 3 games. If I end up getting off the train in the near future, I will be very sad about it. It will feel like losing a connection to my youth and the very core of my seemingly endless love for football.

#664419 Inclusion of womens football
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By shadow² 24 November 2021 - 20:04 PM UTC 

Imagine that starting a new career in Football Manager 2023 "You have selected men's fifty-three leagues from forty nations with a large database and you have selected zero women's league from no nations with a small database. You're a d*ckhead and you are a misogynist! The game will start in England in July 2022."


So, by the same logic if I don't include full Israeli leagues in my FM save I'd be in danger of being called out as a biggot who has something against Jewish people?


What I mean is: I don't think anyone really cares about or condemns your choice of leaving the OPTIONAL detailed womens' leagues unticked in your own FM save. 😉

#664414 Inclusion of womens football
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By R Charlston 24 November 2021 - 20:31 PM UTC 

Only left wing BBC interested in it


I would imagine plenty of girls and women who are interested in and involved in football, either for a living or as a hobby, would be very VERY interested. Do we want to keep the girl juniors somewhat potentially alianated while the boys get their FIFA's, PES's and FM's without even realizing what a privilege they are enjoying?


And I'm not saying all females have an issue with controlling male footballers or managing in men's football. But just think of how many male gamers are saying they are having trouble identifying with a female character in a plot-heavy adventure game, let alone a football simulation. More choice is not a bad thing is all I'm saying.


Just imagine the opposite: Imagine Miles and SI catering for female football only, and telling us men: “No, sorry. You won't have your leagues and teams to manage unless your side of the sport of football absolutely financially explodes into a huge business.” How would you feel about it?


Didn't the crazy Super League idea, that fortunately flopped, remind us that football in its purest form is about something other than greed and markets and finances? That it shouldn't be only measured in money, and it should be in some way made more accessible for us ALL?


I just don't see why we men and boys couldn't allow women and girls feel the same joy of playing FM through the leagues and players they strongly identify with (gender-wise), just as men most often identify/are interested in managing the men's football clubs & teams?

It certainly is no skin off my nose, and I want fans of women's football (men and women) to be able to have the opportunity to manage women's leagues in FM, because football is football, and at it's best its a sport, a form of human culture, and then something more. I want all people interested to be part of that magic.

#662095 CE Sabadell 3d Kits 21/22
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago

Thanks, these look nice!

#661624 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 SS'2021/22 Relink! (27/02/22)
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago
By fmilln7 16 November 2021 - 21:34 PM UTC 

where does the fmf file need to go? into editor data?


Yes, exactly.

#660771 [FM22] Netherlands - Lower Leagues Project Standard 2021-2022
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
5 hours ago

The download link is missing, though. 🙂