GarviLoken - Comments

#701839 FM23 Price Comparison
12 years ago
2 years ago

Does that mean that you can recontinue hosting the ad board patch or was that a full on cease and desist situation?

#699334 Technical Support Thread for Standard Kits
12 years ago
2 years ago

hey folks,


Has anyone ran into any issues with Daveincids realism pack and Dave's Round the World leagues? Im getting CTDs on start up that go away when i remove the editor data files for the megapack. I've also got the Sortitoutsi license fix, but thats about it i think

#688355 Standard Kits Megapack for FM2022
12 years ago
2 years ago

I did a quick search, but couldn't find anything so maybe I missed it, but I was wondering which is the more “complete” of the kit styles, this megapack, and some of the loose packs that haven't been consolidated, or the SS kits?


I'm a sucker for completion-ism and uniformity, so I'd rather use the style that has the most teams done




#686969 FM22 Increase Realism Megapack
12 years ago
2 years ago

EDIT: ignore my message, read the rest of the thread and saw the issues other people were having too.


I'll leave as is for now and will swap his files for yours in a future save!

#674814 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
12 years ago
2 years ago

Ignore this post. 

#674391 Marc Stephan
12 years ago
2 years ago

I know it doesn't conform to conventions, but there are literally none of this guy that do, so something's better than nothing!

#674171 Freddie Hockey
12 years ago
2 years ago

@BramNUFC  Thanks for the tips.


  • Rotated face
  • Made sure to fit to 250x20
  • Moved up collar. 
  • Its not quite 3 pixels under the chin, but probably no more than 5-6. If i need to move it up further i can
#315845 [FM16] Around The World - Over 255 countries with big leagues (Europe, Americas, Asia, Africa, Oceania) by Sangue Blu
12 years ago
2 years ago
Another stupid question, but it seems like my english leagues got all screwed up. The Conference N&S has 4 groups, and the actual teams seem to be in the conference championship which has 2 groups. Dunno what I did wrong or if this is intentional
#229267 FM 2015 FLUT skin v.2.7 [Released 25.07.2015]
12 years ago
2 years ago
Hey Flut,

I love the skin, very nice, clean and crisp.

I was wondering if you could tell me how to change the opacity of all the panels? So that I can get some of the custom backgrounds to show through. Currently, can only see them in the gaps between panels.

Keep up the good work!

#212424 Player Overview Panel Mods
12 years ago
2 years ago
Love it Art. Can't wait to see what you do with all the other panels in the game
#212418 Scott Pratts Football Manager 2015 Big Player Pic Mod / Scott Pratts New Club Overview With Stadium View
12 years ago
2 years ago
Gah shame.

Oh well, thanks for the heads up!
#212333 Scott Pratts Football Manager 2015 Big Player Pic Mod / Scott Pratts New Club Overview With Stadium View
12 years ago
2 years ago
Scott, will the player pic size alterations play well with the player overview panel mod? (

And would you need to install this one over the top of that one or vice versa?


#211819 SS Kits Colours Changes for 14/15 Kits on FM14 only Relink! [v1.7 - 26/04/15]
12 years ago
2 years ago
Hey Hammer - 'scuse the ignorance. Does this change the kits in the 3d match engine to match the kits ss kits? cause the photo talks about the 12-13season

Edit - Ignore this, answered my own question
#210447 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
12 years ago
2 years ago
Awesome, thanks Hammer/Korvin

Last one before I leave you all in peace - will community uploads like chris's Swiss Super League pack make it to the downloads page on here? I went to download it, but my Anti virus didnt like the website Chris is hosting the file on.


#210386 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
12 years ago
2 years ago
hey guys,

I love the work thats gone into these kits. They make my FM14 look great. Do you know if they will work on FM15 or have they altered the meshes for the players for this year?


#209042 3D 14-15 Download Pack update thread
12 years ago
2 years ago
Hey Hammer,

Great work as per usual. Just a quick question - will this work with FM15 - someone else raised an issue with regards to the new player models. Does this mean all the skinners would need to redo the templates to fit the new models?


#141843 Same Owd Football Manager then...
12 years ago
2 years ago
whilst its a highly unlikely scenario, its not implausible. A team like Hull are never going to get many shots off against such a strong team, but the ones they do get off might just sneak in.

I agree that the stats suggest daylight robbery, but its happened in real life before too. given that the rest of your season has gone so well, I think that its one of those upsets that happen from time to time
#141138 Editing Stadium pics
12 years ago
2 years ago
yeah I have, I copied and pasted with the corrected ID number, but no change. but i didnt realise I would have to add it in two places. When you get back I can pm you the config if you'd like to take a look at it?
#141111 Editing Stadium pics
12 years ago
2 years ago
Not the amazing work that VP has done, but the individual stadium pics that appear in the facilities page for each team.

My Wembley image is just white seats. I have an image prepared but I cant seem to get it to work. According to the script, the ID no is 765, but when I try to add it to the config it doesn't show.

Anyone got any ideas?
#141052 Stadium Megapack
12 years ago
2 years ago
The old superpack fromFM13 still works. you might have to tinker with some individual stadiiums, but on the whole they are all there.
#140792 AI Transfer Policy
12 years ago
2 years ago
Could depend on the manager that is making the bid i.e an aggressive person might test the waters with a ridiculously low bid just to see what reaction he gets which would help inform him of the sort of price you would be willing to let a player go for.

Another point you might consider is if teams have already secured signings before approaching you. A mid tier club might only have a budget of £30-40m for transfers which would limit their transfer targets to either one big marquee signing, a couple of solid signings, or lots of little ones. I dunno, just a thought

That's almost definitely reading into it waaaaay too much, but if it helps to overlook some of the in game niggles then feel free to use it

I'm playing my way up through from Skrill to League one (currently) so most of my contracts are 1-2 year deals. I'm outgrowing players rather than the other way around so I can't say its affected me yet, though with promotion to the Championship, that might change. But I am about to load up a new game - maybe Arsenal or Newcastle so I can let you know what I find out there
#140742 VP's Stadium Backgrounds
12 years ago
2 years ago
VP, just to say everything working now.....home & away

What did you do to get it to work?

I found an alternative Stadium pack on a different site, but I'd much prefer to keep it within Sortitoutsi (and use these awesome images)
#140466 Windows 8.1
12 years ago
2 years ago
Can't say I've had any issues with it.

All leagues loaded and playable means it takes a day and an age to proceed through the week (only "crashes" if you try to interrupt the process) but other than that it all runs well for me.

What leagues are you running? Not that it matters, it shouldn't really affect your performance, especially not from 8 to 8.1

#140461 Level 12 English Database by FMN85
12 years ago
2 years ago
Looks awesome - how many of the players that far down are the genuine players for the teams? (Just kidding, that would be YEARS of work)

Now all we need is stadium pics, facepacks and kits for all those folks!
#140460 VP's Stadium Backgrounds
12 years ago
2 years ago
Oh sorry, I should clarify, I mean the little full colour image as seen on this page in the "Stadium" tab. Do your images automatically work as background and as images for this? I reused the old Stadium superpack from FM13 so I'm wondering if that's what has caused the glitch
#140453 VP's Stadium Backgrounds
12 years ago
2 years ago
Probably the curse of having some many mods, add-ons and mega packs installed. I;ll remove and reload them one by one, to see if I can find the main offending file.

Just while I'm on here - do the stadium pics show up on the team page (where it shows the manager, captain, vice captain etc) or are they SOLEY for the backgrounds?


#140371 VP's Stadium Backgrounds
12 years ago
2 years ago
I have to say, I'm having the same issue. Steklo_v4 skin and only get the stadium pics on the team and player screen for the team that I manage, none of the other teams seem to show anything shame because the work you've put in looks amazing!
#140309 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
12 years ago
2 years ago
Wonderful work as always Hammer! Nice one!
#140050 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
12 years ago
2 years ago
I'll jump in on the action, these look great Hammer!

Style: SS
Name: Jaensch
Number: 57
Club: FC Bayern Munich
Home OR Away: Home
What year of kits: 2013/14

Please and thanks!
#125941 Remove Commentary & Match Time Slider Bars for FM14
12 years ago
2 years ago
works great but i find myself missing the commentary sometimes!! Is there an easy fix way to put it back in again?