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Fantasy Football
#98471 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Kit Manufactrer: Nike
Sponsor: Sky Sports Your text to link here...
Home Kit: Your text to link here...
Away Kit: Your text to link here...
Third Kit: Your text to link here...
thanks very much
#29778 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
zNation Your text to link here...
Navi Your text to link here...
NiP Your text to link here...
SK Your text to link here...
LGD Your text to link here...
Empire Your text to link here...
fnatic Your text to link here...
Alternate Your text to link here...w
Cwol Your text to link here...
ESC Your text to link here...
DK Your text to link here...
3dmax Your text to link here...
mym Your text to link here...
verygames Your text to link here...
mouz Your text to link here...
Huge respect in advance!
#28523 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Team: Manchester Football Club
Logo: Your text to link here...
Manufacturer: Adidas
Sponsor: Standard Chartered Your text to link here...
The kit styles
Home: Your text to link here...
Away: Your text to link here...
Third: Your text to link here...
thanks in advance
#28515 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
thanks in advance