Rich39 - Comments

#677166 Fake Names Come Back at the World Cup!!
11 years ago
1 year ago

Thanks Mons - thought it was something like that.  I'll keep checking before the call ups are due - seems to be just for the major comps though as regular call ups seem ok.  


Thanks again. 

#677139 Fake Names Come Back at the World Cup!!
11 years ago
1 year ago

Thanks for taking the time Mons - here are the three shots of the files within the 2210 file.  Checked and others are same.   No probs if can't find anything - I'll keep having a look myself.  One thought - for the first time ever I'm playing throught XBox game pass rather than steam.  File path is different as you can see but as I say, up until now - fix has been working fine.  Rich.

#677129 Fake Names Come Back at the World Cup!!
11 years ago
1 year ago

Good Afternoon all - just wondered if anyone else has come across this.  (My sincere apoligies if this is not in the right thread).


I have applied the fake names fixes as per usual and all has been fine - real names in German team etc.  I'm in my second seaon and when the national teams are called for the Qatar WC the fake names come back!!.  So the German team was the real names and then after the squads for the WC are picked the fake names come back.


Never seen this before, checked my files - all is as it should be.  Has anyone come across this one?  Any advice gratefully received.


with thanks



#470175 In Match Kit Editing
11 years ago
1 year ago
Thanks Bolid

I don't think I am placing 3D kits in game, just SS kits like the one on my profile picture.
As to how I add them - standard - I create them in photoshop, save them in the kits file, amend the config as required and reload the skin.

Its the match engine issue I have. I can change the colours in multiple ways, I have figured out how to change them in match (from say stripes to hoops) but when I do that the SS kit for that team reverts to the standard non SS/altered kit.

#470087 In Match Kit Editing
11 years ago
1 year ago
Hello - I wonder if I could ask some advice please?

I'm well used to making my own SS kits and placing them in game without a hitch.
What I can never seem to do is get the kit in match to change.

I can edit in the pre-game editor fine, I can change them in FMRTE and in game editor but changes will only ever show in the match if I untick 'allow licensed kits' in the in game editor. That would be fine but when I do that the SS kit for the team disappears. I might add only for that particular team no others.

I've checked various forums and I can see it is something other people have experienced but I've not yet found a solution.
Any help gratefully received. Thanks.

#194906 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
11 years ago
1 year ago

In an effort to help out - how about these for your Palermo kits?

I'm not way happy with the white one but hey - let me know - easily changed and all that.


#194444 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
11 years ago
1 year ago
#193273 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
11 years ago
1 year ago
Hello Hello,

Would anyone be kind enough to create an all-black version of the Dorking FC kits below please?

I'm looking for an alternative all black away kit - perhaps with some grey or white edging on neck etc.

Any help sincerely and most gratefully received - C'Mon You Chicks!!!

Many thanks

#59941 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
11 years ago
1 year ago
S'ok - worked it out

Thanks again Jack.

#59940 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
11 years ago
1 year ago
Errrrr - Jack........


Thanks matey - that is just what the Doctor Ordered.

Small question - how do I get it off photobucket??

Brilliant - big bag of thanks buddy.

#59917 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
11 years ago
1 year ago
Afternoon all

Quick request - can one of the skilled technicians here abouts'

turn this

into something more like this

A mass of hopes and thanks in advance - Rich
#59810 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
11 years ago
1 year ago
Crivens!!! I salute you sir. A truly grand design, top work, superb. Thank you very much.

You do realise that I must now push the mighty chicks (aka Dorking) onto further glory.

Once again - sincere thanks Zinedine - you have made my day.

#59674 SS' Fantasy Kits Request Thread (NO REAL KITS)
11 years ago
1 year ago
Evening all

Would somebody be kind enough to make me a third kit for my beloved Dorking FC please.

I attached my first and second kit.

The mission 'should you decide to accept it' - is to create a third kit in the style of the first and second kit.
What colours you use, actual kit design - I'll leave to your creative bad self.

Huge thanks in advance - Rich
#58685 Turn em all off? Make it stop!!
11 years ago
1 year ago
Thanks Mons

Thought as much - now to find the default image.

#58581 Turn em all off? Make it stop!!
11 years ago
1 year ago

Does anyone know how to turn off all faces including the silhouettes?

I have the megapack - all good, works well but I'm getting on in the game and generated players look just too damn weird and the silhouettes look odd. I've tried turning off faces in preferences but then I just get loads of silhouettes.

Any ideas on how to purge the faces and silhouettes from the game altogether would be gratefully received.

Cheers, ta

#58422 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
11 years ago
1 year ago
Thanks Kremmen

Your efforts are most appreciated

#58025 Editing the Match Day Stadium??
11 years ago
1 year ago
Greetings Fellow Managers,

I'm trying to edit my match day stadium - i.e. the one you see in game through the 3D game engine.

Now, using FMRTE you can easily change the size of your current stadium through altering the capacity - easy and peasy.

However, lets say you have a stadium with four distinct stands but you want a bowl type stadium. This seems harder to do.

I've managed to point my team to a stadium from another team from an inactive league and that does work. That gives you a different looking ground etc. Although, this is a gamble as to what you'll get. It also suffers from the waiting to the following season and so on.

What I'd like to know is;

Has anyone else been tinkering with this?
Found a way of changing the stadium?
Found a way of choosing the look of your stadium?

Thanks in advance

#57952 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
11 years ago
1 year ago
Hello folks

Could anyone assist me please - I'd like this

To look something akin to this - with the shiny button cover and surround.

All and any help most gratefully received.

Thanks in advance - Rich
#51913 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
11 years ago
1 year ago
Hi folks

I wonder if someone was able to make me a metallic logo for my beloved Dorking FC please. A few years back Max19 made me the best kits which I'm still using but we never managed to resolve the logo.

The one I'm currently using in game is ok but it's just not doing the business when compared to the others in game. Happy to try and source a better Dorking logo if required.

Thanks in advance and kindest regards - Rich
#50434 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
11 years ago
1 year ago
Hi folks

I wonder if someone was able to make me a metallic logo for my beloved Dorking FC please. A few years back Max19 made me the best kits which I'm still using but we never managed to resolve the logo.

The one I'm currently using in game is ok but it's just not doing the business when compared to the others in game. Happy to try and source a better Dorking logo if required.

Thanks in advance and kindest regards - Rich