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#615019 The No Scouting Challenge
Kasper Lykke Hoffbeck
In this experiment i want to find out if you can win everything i FM, without using any scouting assignment, or scout players.
I have however develop a excel file i can use for scouting, where a bunch of formulas are calculating players avarage attributes for specific roles, based on the attirbutes deem important for each role 🙂
I hope you will watch the video, because it is pretty hard to explain on text 🙂
Have a nice day 🙂
#614092 The Bargain Hunters - No money challenge with Gateshead
Kasper Lykke Hoffbeck
#613879 The Bargain Hunters - No money challenge with Gateshead
Kasper Lykke Hoffbeck
My name is Kasper (danish), and i have just started a new youtube challenge called FM4Charity.
With the aim of raising money for charities, through furture revenue from adds on youtube.
the first plan is to donate 60 procent of the profit to charities, becuase i have no intend on earning a lot of money on this myself.
Because i am not looking to earn money on this my self, i dont have to time to do a lot of editing, so the majority of the content will be in 1 takes.
I hope you will give it a try, and help me reach the criteria to become a youtube partner, so i cant start raising money for charities.
The audio and video quality of this first video is qiut poor, but remember that i an still learning this stuff 😀
thank you so much 🙂