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#708445 [FM23][SKIN] WTCS5 by Bluestillidie00 and WorkTheSpace
Ryan Priddle
Is there a way to make it so the skin is a bit transparent so we can see our backgrounds?
#531677 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531668 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531640 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531639 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531637 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531634 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531633 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531550 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531490 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531482 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#531480 Lost Holland faces
Ryan Priddle
#525780 FM isn’t showing in my program files
Ryan Priddle
#517921 FM keeps closing while loading
Ryan Priddle
Not when i already cleared the recycle bin although I have fund out what the issue is now it is just a matter of moving everything from one drive to another was in the wrong drive so hence wouldn't load
#517914 FM keeps closing while loading
Ryan Priddle
#517881 FM keeps closing while loading
Ryan Priddle
ah ok ill take a look
#517878 FM keeps closing while loading
Ryan Priddle
I would have no idea about A), it was fine before with upper case before i moved them buyt will try lower case and failing that I will take them out and see if it is loading
#517875 FM keeps closing while loading
Ryan Priddle
#517872 FM keeps closing while loading
Ryan Priddle
In my graphics folders
#517868 FM keeps closing while loading
Ryan Priddle
Yeah I have done that and i found out it was a hard drive failure so got an new, one and then transferred everything over to the new one yet it is still doing it, could it be something graphics related
#517432 FM keeps closing while loading
Ryan Priddle
#516309 regen faces
Ryan Priddle
Don't worry it's sorted now, there was 2 folders and one wasn't deleted, thanks for your help
#516306 regen faces
Ryan Priddle
#516304 regen faces
Ryan Priddle
#516299 regen faces
Ryan Priddle
#516296 regen faces
Ryan Priddle
#516291 regen faces
Ryan Priddle
#516290 regen faces
Ryan Priddle
#516289 regen faces
Ryan Priddle
#516285 regen faces
Ryan Priddle