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#258191 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
However, for those playing with the Megapack it would be nice to have those teams in the top competitions in Africa all carry logos. So I am uploading a few of them in the coming weeks.
This is the first batch...
#229868 B-Teams
Roots Reggae Library
Didn't like FM14 too much for several reasons. The tactics looked simplified to me, and I didn't like the addition of many B-Team appearances in the history of players.
Now for FM15 I am seeing the same.
Is there any way to get rid of this? I mean I don't bother how many matches a guy played for the B-squads of teams, and it becomes a complete mess in the carer history of a player.
Anyone has any thoughts on this? Annoyed as well?
#229732 The 2015 AFC Asian Cup
Roots Reggae Library
Even though I do understand to the fullest why Australia plays in Asia.
It sounds ridiculous to have an Asia Cup in Australia.
I live in Asia too.
#229730 Cheapest place to get FM2015?
Roots Reggae Library
#229729 Steam Friends List
Roots Reggae Library
#229685 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
I checked in FM 2015. The current logo for Lao Toyota is misplaced for Yothatikan. The actual Yothatikan logo is not there yet.
So the logo now at "23189413" should be the logo of "23260497".
The actual logo of "23189413" is the one I previously posted.
#229672 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Roots Reggae Library
Or you could have a look at the date of the last changes to the folder and then compare with release dates of logo packs?
#229477 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
The logo of Yothatikan is supposed to be this.
Could you make me this one an alternative logo if in 2015 the Lao Toyota logo is correct.
(Lao Toyota didn't exist as a club yet in 2013. Not sure if it does on later versions)
#203059 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
It told me the file was offline as well the first couple of tries but after the fifth or so it did work all of a sudden (in Malaysia)
#202847 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Roots Reggae Library
#202652 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
#201529 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
#200510 Gaining Nationality
Roots Reggae Library
#200301 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
#199995 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
Except that 1019366 (Laos) Cable TV Vientiane is a better version of what I uploaded recently.
And 1018242 (Iran) Shahrdari Tabriz is not a missing logo but a new version I suppose
#199993 Gaining Nationality
Roots Reggae Library
#199181 FM Keeps minimizing to desktop ?
Roots Reggae Library
#198923 Gaining Nationality
Roots Reggae Library
#198700 Gaining Nationality
Roots Reggae Library
#197722 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
5385350 (Indonesia) Palu Putra (missing)
41001024 (Indonesia) Gasma Enrekang (missing)
5629010 (Philippines) San Beda College (missing)
1032132 (Philippines) University of Philippines (missing)
23160782 (Philippines) Schwarz FC (missing)
5629011 (Philippines) Silliman University (missing)
23160698 (Philippines) Internacionale FC (missing)
#197380 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
Please not that there is Army Force (A) and Army Force (B).
#197077 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
Glad to be of service!
#196846 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
This time from Malaysia, Japan, Singapore and Namibia.
#196544 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Roots Reggae Library
#196232 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Roots Reggae Library
Skin cache was the problem.
Sorry to have bothered you for so long.
At least I am tremendously excited for installing v10 now
Thanks again man, and keep up your brilliant work!
edt: Instead, let me make myself useful. Where do I post missing logos? In the request thread right?
#196109 Nations Reputation
Roots Reggae Library
#195959 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Roots Reggae Library
And that is why I am coming to you with this issue. It should, but it doesn't.
You said it works for different versions, but what you have effectively done is move everything forward, not backward.
The logo pack from FM12 + updates work on FM13.
The logo pack from FM13 + updates work on FM14.
But do the updates from FM13 work on FM12?
And in my case, do the updates of FM14 work on FM13? Apparently, they do not.
Back to JS Piton, as I have unpacked the update, I also have the latest config files, correct?
There is a screenshot to confirm.
Maybe you could also re-install/open FM13 and move your latest FM14 graphics folder to the FM13 graphics folder to see for yourself whether it does or does not config the JS Piton logo (for instance).
If it does work, I have done something wrong.
If it does not it confirms that moving updated graphics with first time logos (such as JS Piton) back to older versions is 'incompatible'.
#195777 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Roots Reggae Library
First of all, thanks for you optimism
Second, I do understand that my formulation of the problem was not exactly the best imaginable.
I understand, as long as the id remains the same there is no need to update the config, all that changes is the logo in the graphic folder which will be automatically taken into FM. That part works fine for FM13 as well as for FM14 (Universitario de Pando example in my previous post).
Now the problem is with the 'second category'. Teams that got their first logo in one of the updates. Sticking to the example of JS Piton of my previous post. Their ID is the same in FM13 and FM14. I have included a screenshot showing that their logo is present in the graphic folder.
In order to find out more, would it be possible to make a folder 'graphics' containing all subfolders, not with club/competition/national logos but including all 'config' files? I assume that once you took all your existing Metallic Logos from FM13 and made v1 for FM14 you have done that as well. Installing v1 for FM14 on FM13 works fully.
If that does not work, I assume that v1 for FM14 works on FM13 only because those were all images rightly configured as 2013.v13 and used as 2014v1 and that whenever a change is made for 2014, this 'updated config file' only works for FM14, but does not change things if used for FM13. That would mean that in order to use Metallic Logos 2014v10 on FM13 you'd need a special config file that only works on FM13.
I hope the whole thing is easier to understand now, after breaking it down. If not, please tell me what other screenshots you'd need to look into to problem. I appreciate everything you do man, thanks!
#195573 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Roots Reggae Library
Look, Kremmen, I understand where you are coming from, but this is simply not the case.
This was also your previous response, but it is not true.
At the time, I lacked the screenshots to show what I will show you now.
I'll try to point out exactly how the graphic folders translates different on the two versions (FM13 - FM14).
I have copied the exact graphics folder I am using in FM13 to the graphics folder of FM14.
When I open FM14, both v1 is configured correctly, and all the updates work (v2 - v9).
That means I have correctly unpacked/installed/overwritten everything, agreed?
I am using the exact same graphic folder for FM14 and FM13.
Now for FM13, v1 works perfectly, but the updates only partially.
Logos from v1 that have newer versions in any of the updates (v2 - v9) are correctly configured.
However, new logos that did not have a predecessor in v1 do not configure.
I have attached a number of screenshots in order to show you exactly what I mean.
Both JS Piton (85078676) and Fundacion Samuel Eto'o (13106713) do not have club logos in v1.
As I have correctly overwritten the updates (JS Piton from update v9 and Fundacion Eto'o from v7), they should work.
But they don't.
Attached you will find screenshots of both clubs in FM13 and FM14, both games having the exact same graphic folder installed.
In FM13 you will see the default logo, in FM14 you will se the Metallic Logo.
I have also added a screenshot of Universitario de Pando (86010130) from FM13.
Their logo was egg-shaped in v1, but changed to a pointy version in v9.
You can see that the updated version of their logo is correctly configured.
I understand that this issue mainly concerns lower league or smaller nation's teams.
But you, as the creator of this Logo pack, have to understand the satisfaction from getting as much right as possible.
So my question remains, which is, in what way are the configure files of the updates (v2 - v9) different from the one in v1?
Or at least, why do the configure files of v1 work for FM13, but those of the updates do not?
It puzzles me, and I have no clue.
#195016 ⬇️ Home Thread - Metallic Logo Megapack - FM24 Update 2025.04 Released [04/02/2025]
Roots Reggae Library