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#312184 xxxxx IRON CURTAIN xxxxx
Staren Vandalić
indeed, some names and surnames are hardcoded for each country. however ther should be some fix or workaround. if anyone has idea, i'd be glad to hear them.
as much as i am glad you like it and chose to spend your first comment in this thread after 10 years. i feel complimented . enjoy
#302560 xxxxx IRON CURTAIN xxxxx
Staren Vandalić
if there are any specific teams i'd like to know as i might have unintentionally missed some clubs. anyway, there is a way to change clubs divisions without editor (as posted above ) if you want quick solution and don't want to wait for update.
#302515 xxxxx IRON CURTAIN xxxxx
Staren Vandalić
#301170 xxxxx IRON CURTAIN xxxxx
Staren Vandalić
thanks Jamaicaman, managed to find the folder and replace the gibraltar flag with east germany so it works perfectly now. i'll wait a bit and see if there are some other problems beside minsk and this so i can do an update.
#300864 xxxxx IRON CURTAIN xxxxx
Staren Vandalić
here is a great guide on how to do it without editor
#300363 xxxxx IRON CURTAIN xxxxx
Staren Vandalić
#237144 Kits Request
Staren Vandalić
Would someone be so kind to do following
Yugoslavia national team
First Kit: - All blue
Second Kit: All white
Soviet Union:
First Kit - All red
Second Kit - All white
First kit - All red
Second kit - White
East Germany
First kit: All White
Seconf kit: all light Blue