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#472327 Deleting Trophy, Club & Player History
Basically i want to start a new game from scratch but i have some gripes that annoy the hell out of me.
FM18 and FM19 just don't come close to FM17 so i like to do the data updates by downloading the transfer updates and such like. However, the league history annoys me because unless you reduce the year by 1 each time then you cannot update the league history correctly and it looks odd.
Example would be:-
2016 English Premiership Winners would be Leicester City
You can change the current champions by editing their last position but in order to update the history you'd have to reduce the year by however many seasons out of date the game is. So if you wanted it up to date for the current season and have Man City as the last champions then the history would look like this:-
2016 Man City
2015 Chelsea
2014 Leicester City
Otherwise it looks weird and is listed like this:-
2016 Man City
2016 Chelsea
2016 Leicester City
2015 Chelsea
So what i like to do is completely clear the history so there are no previous winners, or at least only 1 previous winner (just to ensure the European competitions are made up correctly).
So what i am looking for (if it is possible) is a quick way of deleting all the history, like of everything, even international competitions without having to tediously go through league by league, club by club and clearing it from the editor to start a fresh.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
#450980 Query Regarding Club Text Colours
Sorry i am an idiot. I forgot to mention that i am playing FM17.
#450878 Query Regarding Club Text Colours
Regarding the Italian club Atalanta when i click to view them the text appears as white with a dark blue background. However, i am quite retro with FM and i like playing with the colours how they used to be back in the old days of CM.
Atalanta always used to have black text with a dark blue background and when i have checked the pre-game editor this is also the case there but in-game they are always white text on a dark blue background.
I think Crystal Palace are the same with white text on red background when they used to be blue text on a red background.
Is there a reason why this cannot be edited or changed?